

根据windows help NET USE,当不带选项使用时,列出计算机的连接.

According to windows help NET USE, when used without options, lists the computer's connections.

我想在 powershell 中找到一种方法来获取 net use 输出中的 Remote 条目列表.

I'd like to find a way in powershell to get a list of the Remote entries in net use's output.

我知道作为一种极端措施,我可以解析net use"命令本身的结果,但我宁愿不依赖该命令的文本输出.

I know that as an extreme measure I can parse the result of the "net use" command itself, but I'd rather not rely on the text output of that command.



Status       Local     Remote                    Network
OK                     \\SERVER02\example          Microsoft Windows Network
OK                     \\SERVER02\prova            Microsoft Windows Network
Disconnected           \\SERVER03\test             Microsoft Windows Network
OK                     \\SERVER02\remoteshare      Microsoft Windows Network
Disconnected           \\SERVER03\remoteshare


对于映射的逻辑驱动器,您可以使用 WMI 类 Win32_MappedLogicalDisk :

For the mapped logical drive you can use WMI class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk :

Get-WmiObject Win32_MappedLogicalDisk

这是Win32_LogicalDisk :

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 4"

DeviceID     : V:
DriveType    : 4
ProviderName : \\jpbdellf1\c$
FreeSpace    :
Size         :
VolumeName   :


你说得对,你可以通过 Win32_NetworkConnection :

You are right, you can get what you need with Win32_NetworkConnection :

PS > Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkConnection

LocalName                     RemoteName                    ConnectionState               Status
---------                     ----------                    ---------------               ------
                              \\jpbasusf1\temp              Connected                     OK

在 7 或 W2K8 上,请小心使用运行 NET USE 的同一用户调用它,因为这是会话信息.

On Seven or W2K8 be careful to call this with the same user that run the NET USE because it's a session information.


07-29 23:21