

CBCentralManager retrieveConnectedPeripherals 方法说它获得当前连接到系统的外围设备列表。系统的定义在这里有点含糊不清。

The CBCentralManager retrieveConnectedPeripherals method says it gets "the list of the peripherals currently connected to the system." The definition of system is a bit ambiguous here.


Does this mean I get a list of peripherals connected to my app, or a list of peripherals connected to any app?


If I can get peripherals connected to another app, does this also mean multiple apps can connect to the same peripheral?


Can this only happen if the app is in the foreground, or do I need to allow for the possibility that a background app is sending commands to a peripheral I think my app owns?


启用BLE 4.0的设备通常与CBCentralManager无限制地连接。什么是有界和无界连接,你可以从中知道。
一个支持BLE 4.0的设备只能与一个主设备连接,从而增强了安全连接。你应该遵循这个。

BLE 4.0 enabled devices are usually connected with CBCentralManager unboundly. What is bounded and unbounded connection, you can know from this link.One BLE 4.0 enabled device can be connected with only one master device thus enhancing secured connectivity. You should follow this link.Whether in foreground of background, if the connection exists, the BLE slave device won't get connected with another app or device.


07-26 12:19