我有 JpaRepository :
public interface CardReaderRepository extends JpaRepository<CardReaderEntity, Integer > {
when i execute query in this repo same as this:
value = "SELECT new ir.server.component.panel.response." +
"InvalidCardReaderDataDigestResponse(" +
" cr.driverNumber, cr.exploiterCode, cr.lineCode, " +
" cr.transactionDate, cr.offLoadingDate, " +
" cr.cardReaderNumber, " +
" sum(cr.count) , sum(cr.remind) " +
") " +
"FROM CardReaderEntity cr " +
"WHERE cr.company.id = :companyId " +
"AND cr.status.id in :statusIds " +
"AND cr.deleted = false " +
"AND (:fromDate is null or cr.offLoadingDate >= :fromDate ) " +
"AND (:toDate is null or cr.offLoadingDate <= :toDate ) " +
"group by cr.driverNumber, cr.exploiterCode, cr.lineCode, cr.transactionDate, cr.offLoadingDate, cr.cardReaderNumber"
Page<InvalidCardReaderDataDigestResponse> findAllInvalidCardReaderDataDigestByCompanyIdAndStatusIdIn(
@Param( "companyId" ) int companyId,
@Param( "fromDate" ) Date fromDate,
@Param( "toDate" ) Date toDate,
@Param( "statusIds" ) List<Integer> statusIds,
Pageable pageable
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not determine data type of parameter $3
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2433) ~[postgresql-42.2.2.jar:42.2.2]
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2178) ~[postgresql-42.2.2.jar:42.2.2]
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:306) ~[postgresql-42.2.2.jar:42.2.2]
value = "SELECT new ir.server.component.panel.response." +
"InvalidCardReaderDataDigestResponse(" +
" cr.driverNumber, cr.exploiterCode, cr.lineCode, " +
" cr.transactionDate, cr.offLoadingDate, " +
" cr.cardReaderNumber, " +
" sum(cr.count) , sum(cr.remind) " +
") " +
"FROM CardReaderEntity cr " +
"WHERE cr.company.id = :companyId " +
"AND cr.status.id in :statusIds " +
"AND cr.deleted = false " +
"AND (:fromDate is null ) " +
"AND (:toDate is null ) " +
"group by cr.driverNumber, cr.exploiterCode, cr.lineCode, cr.transactionDate, cr.offLoadingDate, cr.cardReaderNumber"
Page<InvalidCardReaderDataDigestResponse> findAllInvalidCardReaderDataDigestByCompanyIdAndStatusIdIn(
@Param( "companyId" ) int companyId,
@Param( "fromDate" ) Date fromDate,
@Param( "toDate" ) Date toDate,
@Param( "statusIds" ) List<Integer> statusIds,
Pageable pageable
这项工作没有错误,但希望通过 fromDate 和 toDate
this work without error but a want run with fromDate and toDate
@Temporal( TemporalType.TIMESTAMP )
public Date getOffLoadingDate() {
return offLoadingDate;
public void setOffLoadingDate(Date offLoadingDate) {
this.offLoadingDate = offLoadingDate;
我的java文件中的所有Date导入都是 java.util.Date .
all of Date import in my java files is java.util.Date.
The PostgreSQL driver tries to figure out the type of the parameters to tell those parameters directly to the PostgreSQL Server. This is necessary that the PostgreSQL server is able to compare fields. In case of a java.sql.Timestamp the PostgreSQL driver is just not able to do it since there are two matching fields for PostgreSQL. On the one side, there is the timestamp and on the other side the timestamptz with timezone information. The result is, that the PostgreSQL driver will just match it to Oid.UNSPECIFIED. This behavior is most of the time not an issue since the PostgreSQL server is able to detect the type. There is a detailed description of this issue in the PostgreSQL driver class PgPreparedStatement.
So what you can do is force cast to timestamp/date type only when Postgres is not able to detect proper type (when you are checking for null).So instead of
(:fromDate is null )
(cast(:fromDate as date) is null )
这篇关于Postgres Sql`无法确定Hibernate的parameter的数据类型的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!