本文介绍了如何在 Angular.js 中配置不同的环境?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



How do you manage configuration variables/constants for different environments?


我的 rest API 可以在 localhost:7080/myapi/ 上访问,但是我的朋友在 Git 版本控制下处理相同的代码,将 API 部署在 localhost:8099 上的 Tomcat 上/hisapi/.

My rest API is reachable on localhost:7080/myapi/, but my friend that works on the same code under Git version control has the API deployed on his Tomcat on localhost:8099/hisapi/.


Supposing that we have something like this :

    .module('app', ['ngResource'])


    .factory('User', function($resource, API_END_POINT) {
        return $resource(API_END_POINT + 'user');

如何根据环境动态注入 API 端点的正确值?

How do I dynamically inject the correct value of the API endpoint, depending on the environment?

在 PHP 中,我通常使用 config.username.xml 文件来做这种事情,将基本配置文件 (config.xml) 与通过名称识别的本地环境配置文件合并用户.但是我不知道如何在 JavaScript 中管理这种东西?

In PHP I usually do this kind of stuff with a config.username.xml file, merging the basic configuration file (config.xml) with the local environment configuration file recognised by the name of the user. But I don't know how to manage this kind of thing in JavaScript?


我有点晚了,但如果你正在使用 Grunt 我在 grunt-ng-constant 方面取得了巨大的成功.

I'm a little late to the thread, but if you're using Grunt I've had great success with grunt-ng-constant.

我的 Gruntfile.jsngconstant 的配置部分看起来像

The config section for ngconstant in my Gruntfile.js looks like

ngconstant: {
  options: {
    name: 'config',
    wrap: '"use strict";\n\n{%= __ngModule %}',
    space: '  '
  development: {
    options: {
      dest: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/config.js'
    constants: {
      ENV: 'development'
  production: {
    options: {
      dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/config.js'
    constants: {
      ENV: 'production'


grunt.registerTask('server', function (target) {
  if (target === 'dist') {
    return grunt.task.run([


grunt.registerTask('build', [

所以运行 grunt server 将在 app/scripts/ 中生成一个 config.js 文件,看起来像

So running grunt server will generate a config.js file in app/scripts/ that looks like

"use strict";
angular.module("config", []).constant("ENV", "development");


Finally, I declare the dependency on whatever modules need it:

// the 'config' dependency is generated via grunt
var app = angular.module('myApp', [ 'config' ]);


Now my constants can be dependency injected where needed. E.g.,

app.controller('MyController', ['ENV', function( ENV ) {
  if( ENV === 'production' ) {

这篇关于如何在 Angular.js 中配置不同的环境?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 06:30