


I am trying to arrange two arrays together and the results keep coming out incorrect. I'll show you my code, the results I'm getting and the results I'm looking for.


I guess I'm just doing it wrong but not sure how else to do it.


$data1 = [
    'a: 1',
    'a: 2',
    'a: 3',
    'a: 4',
    'a: 5'

$data2 = [
    'b: 1',
    'b: 2',
    'b: 3',
    'b: 4',
    'b: 5'

foreach($data1 as $item1)
    foreach($data2 as $item2)
        echo $item1 . '<br/>';
        echo $item2 . '<br/>';
        echo '<br/><br/>';


The Results: (shortened to save space)

a: 1
b: 1

a: 1
b: 2

a: 1
b: 3

a: 1
b: 4

a: 1
b: 5


The results I'm looking for is the following:

a: 1
b: 1

a: 2
b: 2

a: 3
b: 3

a: 4
b: 4

a: 5
b: 5



问题当然是你嵌套的 foreach 循环.因为对于 $data1 数组的每个元素,你会遍历整个 $data2 数组(所以总共有 $data1 * $data2 迭代).


Well the problem is of course your nested foreach loop. Because for each element of your $data1 array you loop through the entire $data2 array (So in total there are $data1 * $data2 iterations).


To solve this you have to loop through both arrays at once.

您可以使用 array_map() 并将所有要同时循环的数组传递给它.

You can do this with array_map() and pass all arrays to it which you want to loop through at the same time.

array_map(function($v1, $v2){
    echo $v1 . "<br>";
    echo $v2 . "<br><br>";
}, $data1, $data2 /* , Add more arrays if needed manually */);

使用 MultipleIterator附加尽可能多的ArrayIterator 根据需要.

Use a MultipleIterator and attach as many ArrayIterator as you need.

$it = new MultipleIterator();
$it->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($data1));
$it->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($data2));
//Add more arrays if needed

foreach($it as $a) {
    echo $a[0] . "<br>";
    echo $a[1] . "<br><br>";

使用带有计数器变量的 for 循环,您可以将其用作两个数组的键.

Use a for loop with a counter variable, which you can use as key for both arrays.

$keysOne = array_keys($data1);
$keysTwo = array_keys($data2);

$min = min(count($data1), count($data2));

for($i = 0; $i < $min; $i++) {
    echo $data1[$keysOne[$i]] . "<br>";
    echo $data2[$keysTwo[$i]] . "<br><br>";

或者如果数组只有唯一值,你可以array_combine() 两个数组,这样 $data1 可以作为键访问,$data2 作为值访问.

Or if the arrays only have unique values, you can array_combine() both arrays, so that $data1 can be accessed as key and $data2 as value.

foreach(array_combine($data1, $data2) as $d1 => $d2) {
    echo $d1 . "<br>";
    echo $d2 . "<br><br>";

如果您想同时打印 2 个以上的数组或只是数量未知的数组,您可以将 array_map() 方法与 call_user_func_array() 调用.

If you want to print more than 2 arrays at the same time or just an unknown amount of arrays, you can combine the array_map() method with a call_user_func_array() call.

$func = function(...$numbers){
    foreach($numbers as $v)
        echo $v . "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
call_user_func_array("array_map", [$func, $data1, $data2]);


07-23 00:30