


I would like know if it is possible to merge sql queries like the following from codeigniters active record.

   //get assigned contacts    
      $this->db->select('*, CONCAT(first_name, " " ,last_name) AS name', FALSE);
      $this->db->join('customers_accounts', 'customers_accounts.contact_id = customers_contacts.contact_id');
      $this->db->like('CONCAT(first_name, " " ,last_name)', $q);
      $results1 = $this->db->get();
    //get non assigned contacts
      $this->db->select('*, CONCAT(first_name, " " ,last_name) AS name', FALSE);
      $this->db->like('CONCAT(first_name, " " ,last_name)', $q);
      $results2 = $this->db->get();

我尝试使用 $ query = array_merge($ results1,$ results2); 但是不行,我相信因为 - > get()返回一个对象数组。

I tried using $query = array_merge($results1, $results2); but that does not work, I believe because ->get() is returning an array of objects.


So I got it to work by putting both through a foreach loop, and then merging the resulting arrays. But I need to do some conditionals that would be easier in one foreach loop than two.


$ c> $ results-> result(); 在 $ results = $ this-> db-> get() code>。 注意: $ results-> result(); 是一个对象数组。

You must always do $results->result(); to get an array of rows after $results = $this->db->get();. note: $results->result(); is an array of objects.


# ...
$results1 = $this->db->get();

# ...
$results2 = $this->db->get();

$results = array();

if ($results1->num_rows()) 
    $results = array_merge($results, $results1->result());

if ($results2->num_rows())
    $results = array_merge($results, $results2->result());

return $results;


This will return an array of objects (rows) and you iterate through data as usual:

foreach ($results as $row) 
    echo $row->id;
    echo $row->column_name_1;
    # and so on...


10-16 02:26