



2)通过bizarre'-ms-filter'支持rgba的Internet Explorer。

3)浏览器不支持rgba, base64 png图像与'数据URI方案'。 (即使浏览器不支持URI方案,根据它仍然可以做。)

我没有rgba支持浏览器的问题,我可以得到它的工作与IE,但问题是我不知道如何生成客户端base64 png图像的URI方案。我真的不想pregenerate png文件,因为我的rgba值不是常数。我可以去与动态png生成与php gd库,但我真的想在客户端做所有这一切。所以我想知道,有什么好的方法,用于生成半透明png图像与java脚本。之后,我可以只对它们进行base64编码,并用URI方案使用它们。





  .alpha60 {
/不支持RGBa * /
/ * RGBa与0.6不透明度* /
/ *对于IE 5.5 - 7 * /
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr =#99000000,endColorstr =#99000000);
/ *对于IE 8 * /
-ms-filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr =#99000000,endColorstr =#99000000);


这样做可以避免使用base64 png images with'data URI scheme' 。

如果真的,真的想要生成客户端 .png 图片(我在这里看不到需要):


I want to get rgba backgrounds working with all browsers. I did some searching and found out that generally there are three types of browsers out there:

1) Browsers that support rgba.

2) Internet Explorer that supports rgba via bizarre '-ms-filter' thing.

3) Browsers that do not support rgba, but I could use base64 png images with 'data URI scheme'. (Even when browser does not support URI scheme, according to this it still could be done.)

I have no problems with rgba supporting browsers, and I can get it working with IE, but problem is that I have no idea how to generate client side base64 png images for URI scheme. I really do not want to pregenerate png files, because my rgba values are not constant. I could go with dynamic png generation with php gd library, but I'd really like to do all this on client side. So I'd like to know, is there any good way out there for generating semi-transparent png images with java-script. After this I could just base64 encode them and use them with URI scheme?

Thank you.


I want to have semi-transparent div background, while having content fully visible.


See this blog post for a cross browser method:

.alpha60 {
    /* Fallback for web browsers that doesn't support RGBa */
    background: rgb(0, 0, 0);
    /* RGBa with 0.6 opacity */
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
    /* For IE 5.5 - 7*/
    filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000);
    /* For IE 8*/
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000)";

See here for an easy way to generate the colors for the IE filters.

Doing this should eliminate the need to use "base64 png images with 'data URI scheme'".

If you really, really want to generate client side .png images (I can't see the need for it here):

Generate client-side PNG files using JavaScript. Cool idea, really:


07-16 19:47