Need a small help for the conversion of excel to xml logic in c#.net
这是以下格式我需要转换为excel 如果相同的许可证号具有不同的策略,我如何处理逻辑。任何人都可以帮助解释代码的逻辑。非常感谢提前
This is the below format i need to convert from excel and also if the same license number has different policies how can i work on the logic . can anyone help on the logic of code. Many thanks in advance
< Employee> ; $
< Emp ID =" 1">
< LicenseNumber> 999999< / LicenseNumber>
< FirstName> abc< ; / FirstName>
< LastName> vvv< / LastName>
< Policies>
< Policy Xml_PolicyID =" 3" >
< PolicyNumber> 123456< / PolicyNumber>
< EffectiveDate> 2015-04-17< / EffectiveDate>
< ExpirationDate> 2014-04-18< / ExpirationDate>
< InsuredName> abbbcdd< / InsuredName>
< Transactions>
<交易Xml_TransactionID =" 3">
< EffectiveDate> 2018-04-15< / EffectiveDate>
< / Transaction>
< / Transactions>
< /政策>
< / Policies>
< / Emp>
< / Employee>
<Emp ID="1">
<Policy Xml_PolicyID="3">
<Transaction Xml_TransactionID="3">
If you need to do this in C# you can use XDocument and LINQ, since you want a clean XML file. But the example you posted for Excel doesn't have anywhere near all the data your XML is showing. Your XML is based upon a single employee but the Excel information seems to be tied to a license. Given your XML it appears a single employee is tied to a single license
Given that you need to group and generate XML I'd say group first into business objects (rows are harder to work with). Then convert to the XML. The following code is one approach using extension methods. If the data is complex then a completely separate xml writer class would probably be better.
class Program
static void Main ( string[] args )
var dt = LoadExcelDataAsDataTable();
//Group the data by license number
var licenses = from r in dt.Rows.OfType<DataRow>()
group r by r.Field<string>("LicenseNbr") into g
select new Employee() { LicenseNumber = g.Key, Policies = g.ToPolicy().ToList() };
//Now generate XML
var employees = from e in licenses
select e.ToXml();
static class PolicyExtensions
public static IEnumerable<Policy> ToPolicy ( this IEnumerable<DataRow> source )
foreach (var item in source)
yield return item.ToPolicy();
public static Policy ToPolicy ( this DataRow source )
return new Policy()
PolicyNumber = source.Field<string>("PolicyNumber")
public static XElement ToXml ( this Employee source )
return new XElement("employee",
new XElement("LicenseNumber", source.LicenseNumber),
new XElement("Policies",
from p in source.Policies
select p.ToXml()
public static XElement ToXml ( this Policy source )
return new XElement("Policy",
new XElement("PolicyNumber", source.PolicyNumber)
class Employee
public string LicenseNumber { get; set; }
public List<Policy> Policies { get; set; }
class Policy
public string PolicyNumber { get; set; }