我已经完成了。当使用我的LinkedIn应用配置我的Bundle ID
I am trying to implement share functionality in LinkedIn from iOS app,I have gone through LinkedIn SDK Doc. I am stuck when Configuring my Bundle ID with my LinkedIn app
As they have mentioned in documentation, iOS setting in following image
After creating app in linkedIn
我知道这很愚蠢,但我在以下操作系统设置中保存了我的应用程序 bundleID
以获取 linkedIn应用程序ID ,但遗憾的是没有得到。
I know this is silly but I saved my app bundleID
in following OS setting to get linkedIn application ID, unfortunately didn't get.
But I took it from URL(I am not sure whether that is correct or not) and Did the remaining settings and added code in project, but not working.
Then also, Is there any solution to save bundleID of my iOS app in linkedIn app to get application ID ?
Any help would be appreciated.
感谢linkedIn开发团队。最后,他们在linkedIn app中添加了iOS设置,用于集成iOS应用程序。
Thanks to linkedIn developer team. Finally they have added iOS setting in linkedIn app for integrating iOS application.
如果不在iOS设置中保存iOS捆绑标识符和iOS URL后缀方案,则在xCode中构建应用时会出现错误。
without saving iOS Bundle Identifiers and iOS URL Suffix Schemes in iOS setting, will get error while app build in xCode.
这篇关于没有将iOS应用的捆绑ID保存到“移动”的选项在linkedIn app中设置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!