我正在尝试构建一个库,并使用gradle将其动态加载到Android Studio的另一个应用程序中.
I'm trying to build a library and dynamically load it in another app in Android Studio using gradle.
我了解如何创建jar并将其转换为dex文件进行加载.但是,当我使用Gradle在Android Studio中构建库时-我没有得到一个jar-我得到了一个aar文件-我似乎无法转向或作为dex加载.
I understand how to create jars and turn them to dex files for loading.But when I build a library in Android Studio with Gradle - I don't get a jar - I get an aar file - which I can't seem to turn to or load as a dex.
How can I turn the aar to a dex file?
You can use dynamic feature delivery and make the AAR part of the dynamic feature module. You can then install the dynamic feature module separately from the core application.
在此处了解更多信息: https://developer.android.com/guide/playcore/feature-delivery
Read more here:https://developer.android.com/guide/playcore/feature-delivery