这个函数叫onclick on submit button
function Save_Close()
if(window.frames.intake_pat_info_iframe&& window.frames.intake_pat_info_iframe._Submit('Update')){
window.frames.intake_pat_info_iframe._Submit ( '更新');
$ b $ if(window.frames.intake_job_info_iframe& window.frames.intake_job_info_iframe._Submit('Update')){
window.frames.intake_job_info_iframe._Submit( '更新');
$ b $ if(window.frames.intake_spine_his_iframe& window.frames.intake_spine_his_iframe._Submit('Update')){
window.frames.intake_spine_his_iframe._Submit( '更新');
if(window.frames.intake_past_med_history_iframe& window.frames.intake_past_med_history_iframe._Submit('Update')){
window.frames.intake_past_med_history_iframe._Submit( '更新');
< input type =buttonid =name =value =Save& Closeonclick =Save_Close()/>
<%@ Page Language =C#%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC - // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict // ENhttp://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">
< head>
< title> IFRAME表单提交演示< / title>
< / head>
< body>
< iframe name =iframe1src =my_form.aspx>< / iframe>
< iframe name =iframe2src =my_form.aspx>< / iframe>
< iframe name =iframe3src =my_form.aspx>< / iframe>
< iframe name =iframe4src =my_form.aspx>< / iframe>
< input type =submitvalue =Submit All IFrames
onclick =for(var i = 0; i< frames.length; i ++){frames [i] .document。 forms [0] .submitButton.click();}/>
< / body>
< / html>
I'm having multiple iframes in one page each one contains a form , and i put the submit button outside the iframes , and when user press on submit all forms should be submited and then the page should be closed , any one can help me in this?
this function called onclick on submit button
function Save_Close()
if (window.frames.intake_pat_info_iframe && window.frames.intake_pat_info_iframe._Submit('Update')) {
if (window.frames.intake_job_info_iframe && window.frames.intake_job_info_iframe._Submit('Update')) {
if (window.frames.intake_spine_his_iframe && window.frames.intake_spine_his_iframe._Submit('Update')) {
if (window.frames.intake_past_med_history_iframe && window.frames.intake_past_med_history_iframe._Submit('Update')) {
<input type="button" id="" name="" value="Save & Close" onclick="Save_Close()"/>
As long as you can use Javascript and your iframes are all being served from the same server, it's not that hard. A completely pure inline JS approach looks like (this is using ASP.NET for the server-side stuff but the important bit is the onclick() handler in the button)
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<title>IFRAME form submit demo</title>
<iframe name="iframe1" src="my_form.aspx"></iframe>
<iframe name="iframe2" src="my_form.aspx"></iframe>
<iframe name="iframe3" src="my_form.aspx"></iframe>
<iframe name="iframe4" src="my_form.aspx"></iframe>
<input type="submit" value="Submit All IFrames"
onclick="for(var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { frames[i].document.forms[0].submitButton.click(); }" />
EDIT: now explicitly calls form.submitButton.click() instead of form.submit() to invoke functions bound to submit button's Click handler.