I am having trouble getting a form to submit when the name attribute of the submit button is precisely "submit".
<input onclick="checkForm(document.form_29) && document.form_29.submit();"value="Submit" name="submit" type="button">
请注意,我们没有使用提交"的标准输入类型,而是使用按钮"的输入类型,并在验证脚本 (checkForm) 返回 true 后使用 JavaScript 提交表单.
Note that we are not using a standard input type of "submit", but rather an input type of "button" with JavaScript being used to submit the form after a validation script (checkForm) has returned true.
奇怪的是,当且仅当 name 属性为提交"时,这将不起作用.该问题区分大小写,因此以下(以及任何其他命名,包括无 name 属性)将起作用:
The odd thing is that this will not work if and only if the name attribute is "submit". The problem is case-sensitive, so the following (and any other naming, including no name attribute) will work:
<input onclick="checkForm(document.form_29) && document.form_29.submit();"value="Submit" name="Submit" type="button">
我一直在查看 W3C 规范中提到的保留名称,但我找不到任何内容.我怀疑我在这里忽略了一些非常明显的东西,所以我希望你们中的一些人能看到我看不到的东西.
I have been looking over the W3C specs for some mention of a reserved name, but I could not find anything. I suspect I am overlooking something really obvious here, so I'm hoping some of y'all out there can see something I can't.
您遇到问题,因为 name
被 submit
覆盖了 form.submit()
那个 的函数引用,而不是
引用那个按钮,而不是 DOM submit()
You're having issues because the name
being submit
is overriding the form.submit()
function reference for that <form>
, instead form_29.submit
refers to that button, rather than the DOM submit()