


Some of my forms require validation, for which I use the JQuery validation plug-in.


Some of my forms require a custom submit handler (which conditionally pops-up a confirmation dialog before submitting, independent of validation). I attach the handler to the form like so:

function confirmHandlerAttach(form, handler) {
  $(form).off("submit", confirmHandlerDefault);
  $(form).on("submit", handler);


Both validation and the submit handler are attached at doc ready based on classes. Independently, both work fine. The problem is that it seems that the form's submit handler being called regardless of whether the validation succeeds. See a simplfied example here.


This isn't what I would expect. I would think that validation would prevent both the submission and the submit handler from running. Am I doing something wrong, or are my expectations wrong?


I realize that I could instead use validation's submitHandler property, and if necessary I'll go that route. But since validation and confirmation (or any other submit handler) are really independent functions, it seems a shame to have to change all form submit handlers to deal with the JQuery validate plug-in just in case some form uses validation.


$('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
    // your rules,
    submitHandler: function (form) { 
        alert('valid form submitted');
        return false;

$("#myform").on('submit', function() {
    alert("Real submit handler");

您的jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sferrari63/VGj2R/

Your jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sferrari63/VGj2R/


Your submit handler is firing every time the submit button is clicked even when the form is "invalid".

引用OP :

您正在做不必要的事情,而您的期望是错误的.仅仅因为jQuery Validate插件阻止了默认的提交操作,并不意味着任何外部的提交处理程序都不会触发.

You're doing something unnecessary and your expectations are wrong. Just because the jQuery Validate plugin is preventing the default submit action, does not mean that any external submit handlers will not fire.


This is the reason the developer gives you the submitHandler and invalidHandler callback functions. Since the plugin blocks default submit automatically, these callbacks replace the need for you to create submit handler(s) of your own.

  • submitHandler会在单击提交按钮时触发.

  • submitHandler fires on click of the submit button only if/when the form is "valid".


invalidHandler fires on click of the submit button only if/when the form is "invalid".

(注意:如果您的提交按钮包含class="cancel",则该表单将始终评估为有效",并且submitHandler将始终触发...所有规则都将被忽略. 编辑:自formnovalidate="formnovalidate"属性以来,不推荐使用class="cancel".)

(Note: if your submit button contains class="cancel", the form will always evaluate as "valid" and the submitHandler will always fire... all rules will be ignored. EDIT: class="cancel" has since been deprecated in favor of the formnovalidate="formnovalidate" attribute.)


If, for some odd reason, you need this additional submit handler, you can test the form using the .valid() method. Although, I don't recommend doing this when you already have perfectly good submit handlers built into the plugin.

$("#myform").on('submit', function() {
    if ($(this).valid()) {
        alert("Form is valid");

演示: http://jsfiddle.net/VGj2R/1/


Since the plugin is handling the submit event, it would be more correct to fire this code below on the button's click handler instead.

$("#mySubmitButton").on('click', function() {
    if ($("#myform").valid()) {
        alert("Form is valid");

演示: http://jsfiddle.net/VGj2R/2/


However, unless your form does not have a submit button, the code above is unnecessary where the submitHandler callback function can be used instead.


10-29 16:29