


What tools are available to migrate from clearcase to mercurial? Is it possible to move history? What kind of limitations are there?


请不要忘记ClearCase(中央 VCS)和Mercurial(分布式 VCS)非常不同.
参见 ClearCase核心概念以获得完整列表.

Do not forget that ClearCase (Central VCS) and Mercurial (Distributed VCS) are very different.
See Core ClearCase concepts for a full list.

对于迁移,这意味着您正在处理以存储库为中心的 VCS(Mercurial),这意味着使用时间轴"(时间轴是一个提交,正在构建一个新的变更集)

In the case of a migration, that means you are dealing with a repository-centric VCS (Mercurial) which implies "working with timelines" (a timeline being a commit, building a new changeset)
In ClearCase though, there is no global timeline, as each file is committed individually (file-centric VCS).


So for a migration, you need to setup a ClearCase dynamic view with a config spec you will change to list all relevant "ClearCase timelines" (labels for non-UCM views or even better: baselines for UCM views) and import that fixed state into Mercurial.
And repeat the process until the most recent label/baseline.

这个想法是:从ClearCase迁移到另一个(D)VCS时,通常不需要导入 all 文件的 all 历史记录.仅需要记录重大"更改.
我不推荐"将ClearCase存储库转换为Mercurial "的文章,特别是对于大型和旧的ClearCase存储库.

The idea is: there is often no need to import the all history of all the files when migrating from ClearCase to another (D)VCS. Only the "significant" changes need to be recorded.
I would not recommend the "Conversion of ClearCase repo to Mercurial" article, especially for large and old ClearCase repositories.

另请参见 SVN迁移,以用于其他考虑.


10-25 03:39