Just curious, from a standpoint of WinAPI developer, what desktop do Metro apps run in?
I didn't know that it would be such a secret... so I had to do some investigating and here's what I found:
首先,要回答我的原始问题-Metro(或Modern UI)内容在完全相同的台式机作为台式机"应用程序(对双关语).实际上,这非常简单.简短的答案-所有 Microsoft批准的 Metro内容都在Internet Explorer_Server
容器中运行(用外行的话来说是Internet Explorer);或在 DirectUIHWND
容器(这是呈现其未记录的UI的Microsoft专有类)中 WS_EX_TOPMOST
First off, to answer my original question -- the Metro (or Modern UI) stuff runs in the exact same desktop as the "desktop" apps (pardon the pun.) It is actually all very simple. The short answer -- all Microsoft approved Metro stuff runs in the Internet Explorer_Server
container (which, in layman's terms, is the Internet Explorer); or in the DirectUIHWND
container (which is Microsoft's proprietary class that renders their undocumented UI), all in windows with the WS_EX_TOPMOST
style turned on, which makes them render on top of the other content. And that is it!
Let's split the desktop and use Spy++
to see what's happening under the hood:
因此,如果我们查看天气"应用程序窗口,则无非就是"Internet Explorer_Server
"类的常规(Win32)窗口,该窗口位于"Web Platform Embedding
So if we look into the "Weather" app window, it is nothing more than the regular (Win32) window of the class "Internet Explorer_Server
" that is housed in the window of the "Web Platform Embedding
" class, which in turn sits in the "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow
" container that has the WS_EX_TOPMOST
styles on:
如果您看上去更深入,则所有Microsoft Metro的东西 似乎都是从 WWAHOST.exe
If you look even deeper, all Microsoft's Metro stuff seems to run from the WWAHOST.exe
process, which in simple terms is the container to run JavaScript for the Metro apps.
Now let's look into the Start Screen itself. Since it completely covers the desktop we need to use a different tool and its Shift key snapshot capability to get to it:
)并在Spy ++中进行查找:
From it we can get the Start Screen's window handle (or 0x10158
in my case) and look it up in the Spy++:
从这两个工具都可以看到,开始"屏幕具有窗口类 DirectUIHWND
样式,使其保持在顶部.这是 it 和桌面"应用创建的任何其他窗口之间的唯一区别.
As you can see from both tools, the Start Screen has window class DirectUIHWND
, that is housed inside a window of the ImmersiveLauncher
class, that is the one with the WS_EX_TOPMOST
styles that make it remain on top. And that is the only difference between it and any other window created by a "desktop" app.
有趣的是在出现分割窗口的情况下如何呈现桌面"本身.我最初以为是在这种情况下,桌面只是移动(或移动)到一侧并调整大小,但是不是会发生什么……实际上(或在我的Windows 8.1中) Metro应用程序是台式机和Metro应用程序之间的一个分离部分,它只是覆盖了台式机,但是台式机本身不会更改其位置或大小.在这种情况下,仅任务栏和现有的桌面窗口会移动并调整其大小以适合拆分.可以通过以下图表说明:
What is also interesting is how the "desktop" itself is rendered in case of a split-window situation. I originally assumed that in this case the desktop is simply shifted (or moved) to one side and resized, but that is not what happens... In reality (or in my Windows 8.1) in case of a split between a desktop and a Metro app, the metro app simply covers over the desktop, but the desktop itself does not change its position or size. In that case, only the taskbar and the existing desktop windows are moved and resized to fit the split. This could be illustrated by this diagram:
As a side note, such moving and resizing can be quite annoying for a user, since original positions and sizes of the desktop windows are not restored when the split goes away.
And lastly, a somewhat unexpected finding. I decided to check how Google folks were able to implement their Chrome browser (running as a Metro app) and found this:
类窗口中呈现,属于Google自己的进程:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
".因此,不做任何深入研究,显然可以将Metro风格的应用程序封装在非Microsoft容器中,这对于不关心AppStore XAML应用程序的开发人员来说是个好消息:)
Chrome renders in the Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow
class window, belonging to the Google's own process: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
". So without going any deeper, it is evidently possible to encapsulate a Metro-style app in a non-Microsoft container, which is a good news for developers that don't care about AppStore XAML apps :)
Forgot to mention, if you plan to show your own popup message from a Win32 process that is visible on top of a Metro app, you need to do the following:
.您可以在Visual Studio中执行此操作,方法是转到Project Properties
->Manifest Files
并将UAC Bypass UI Protection
设置为是". (请注意,您可以将UAC Execution Level
in the process manifest. You can do so in the Visual Studio by going toProject Properties
->Manifest Files
and setUAC Bypass UI Protection
to YES. (Note that you can keepUAC Execution Level
, or not to require elevation of your process.)
Code-sign your process. It is important, since without a signature it won't work, and you'll see this error message: "A referral was returned from the server."
An alternative to signing (or for testing purposes on your development system) you can set the following registry key to 0. (I haven't tried it though, and I wouldn't recommend it due to obvious security concerns! But it seems to be another way to test it if a code-signing certificate is not available.)
- 将编译后的可执行文件放置在
文件夹中. - Place the compiled executable file either into the
folder, or more realistically into the%ProgramFiles%\Company\Product
, or into the alternative%ProgramFiles(X86)%\Company\Product
folder for your product's installation location. - 然后,当您在弹出窗口中设置
样式时,它将显示在任何其他窗口的上方,包括Metro应用程序,开始"屏幕等. - After that, when you set the
style on your popup window, it will be displayed above any other windows, including the Metro apps, Start Screen, etc.
您还可以考虑阅读 Raymond Chen的文章关于此主题.
Also you may consider reading Raymond Chen's article about this topic.
//You may also consider setting the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE style
::SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0 , 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);