在我安装 python 3.6 并更新所有(conda update --all)之前,我的 Jupyter Notebook 刚刚停止工作.当我启动它时,只出现一个空的浏览器页面.我尝试了我找到的所有解决方案,但它们不起作用.我已经删除了 %USERBLABLA%,清除缓存和 cookie,卸载并重新安装它,但它仍然不起作用.浏览器控制台打印此错误:
Before I've installed python 3.6 and update all (conda update --all) my Jupyter Notebook just stopped to works. When I launch it, just an empty browser page appears. I tried all solutions that I found, but they don't work. I have deleted %USERBLABLA%, clear cache and cookies, uninstall and install it again and it still doesn't work. Browser console prints this errors:
Refused to execute script from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
at VM17 tree:24
您应该在 Anaconda Navigator 上检查 Notebook 的版本.如果是 5.7.6,那么您应该使用 Anaconda Navigator 将笔记本的版本降级到 5.7.4.
You should check the version of Notebook on Anaconda Navigator.If it's 5.7.6 then you should downgrade the notebook's version to 5.7.4 by using the Anaconda Navigator.
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