

我要寻找适合于使用黑莓手机上的Java不错LDAP库。没有为黑莓Java SDK的LDAP一些基本的支持,但它是太基本了,我想用直接的TCP连接,而不是MDS(MDS是唯一的交通方案利用标准的BB SDK LDAP类时)。

I am looking for nice Java LDAP library suitable for using on BlackBerry. There is some basic support for LDAP in BlackBerry Java SDK, however it is too basic and I would like to use direct TCP connections instead of MDS (MDS is the only transport option when using LDAP classes from standard BB SDK).


Regarding features I basically want to search some users and their attributes. To put it simple we can assume I am building a telephone book, but the clients are only reading entries from the server, not adding anything.

如果没有LDAP LIB随时可以运行在黑莓,一个Java库可以工作也是如此,如果它不会太难端口...

If there is no LDAP lib ready-to-run on BlackBerry, a Java library could work too, if it would not be too difficult to port...



从我所知道的,RIM API中的LDAPQuery类不起作用。请让我知道这是不对的。

From what I can tell, the LDAPQuery class in the RIM API does not work. Please let me know if this is wrong.


08-24 16:26