



| 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | <  - 空间(长度= 11)

| ----- |
         | ----- |
            | ----- |
               | ----- |
                  | ----- |
                           | ----- | <  - 长单时间间隔= 2




  | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |

| ----- | | ----- | ----- | | ----- | <  - 结果1
| ----- | | ----- | | ----- | | ----- | <  - 结果2
| ----- | | ----- | ----- | | ----- | <  - 结果3


  1. 如果有更多的结果(最好的解决方案,在这种情况下= 4),则所述一个具有最少数量的间隙。

  2. 如果有更多的结果还是一个与它的所有空间的最高最小长度。例如一个与空间2及(的长度); 3具有空间= 2最小长度,即比1和更好; 4,其中的空间中的最小长度只有1


  | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |

| ----- | | ----------- | | ----- | <  - 结果1
| ----- | | ----------- | | ----- | <  - 结果3



最佳的解决方案:| ----- | | ----------- | | ----- |

该算法具有普遍适用于所有的空间长度(不仅是11),所有的间隔长度(区间长度总是< =空间长度)和任意数量的间隔。



  | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 |

| ----- |
         | ----- |
            | ----- |
                        | ----- |
| ----- |



让总长度为 N 和任务的长度是


  1. 在没有任务,在T.启动
  2. 还有就是在T开头的任务,但我们不包括在结果集中。
  3. 还有就是在T开头的任务,我们也包括它在结果集。

第1种情况很简单,我们只需要 F(T)= F(T + 1)

在2/3的情况下,注意选择启动任务的 T 意味着我们必须拒绝接受这个任务运行时,也就是在<$ C开头的所有任务$ C> T 和 T + L 。所以,我们得到 F(T)= MAX(F(T + 1),F(T + 1)+ 1)

最后, F(N)= 0 。所以,你刚刚从<$ ​​C $ C>启动F(N)和你的工作方式回到 F(0)



考虑您张贴的例子,我们有 N = 11 L = 2 。有迹象表明,在启动T = 0,3,4,5,6,9 任务。从 F开始(11)= 0 和工作倒退:

  • F(11)= 0
  • F(10)= F(11)= 0 (由于没有任务开始于 T = 10
  • F(9)= MAX(F(10),F(11)+ 1)= 1
  • ...

最后,我们得到 F(0)= 4

  T | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
F(T)| 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |


  • (0,2) - &GT; (4,6) - &GT; (6,8) - &GT; (9,11)
  • (0,2) - &GT; (4,6) - &GT; (8,10)

很显然,我做不保证正确性! :)

私有类任务    {        公众诠释启动{获得;组; }        公众诠释长度{获得;组; }        公众诠释结束{{返回起始+长度; }}


    公众诠释任务{获得;组; }
    公众诠释差距{获得;组; }
    公众诠释MinGap {获得;组; }
    公共任务任务{获得;组; }
    公共任务NextTask {获得;组; }

        VAR其他= OBJ为CacheEntry;
        如果(任务!= other.Tasks)
            返回任务 -  other.Tasks; //更多的任务比较好
        如果(差距!= other.Gaps)
            返回other.Gaps =差距; //少差距比较好
        返回MinGap  -  other.MinGap; //更大最小间隙是更好

私有静态的IList&LT;任务&GT; F(IList的&LT;任务&GT;任务)
    VAR结束= tasks.Max(X =&GT; x.End);
    VAR tasksByTime = tasks.ToLookup(X =&GT; x.Start);
    VAR缓存=新的名单,其中,CacheEntry&GT; [月底+ 1];

    缓存[结束] =新的名单,其中,CacheEntry&GT; {新CacheEntry {任务= 0,差距= 0,MinGap =结束+ 1}};

    对于(INT T =结束 -  1; T&GT; = 0; T--)
            缓存[T] =缓存[T + 1];

        的foreach(在tasksByTime VAR任务[T])
            VAR oldCEs =缓存[T + task.Length]。
            变种firstOldCE = oldCEs.First();
            变种lastOldCE = oldCEs.Last();

            VAR newCE =新CacheEntry
                任务= firstOldCE.Tasks + 1,
                差距= firstOldCE.Gaps,
                MinGap = firstOldCE.MinGap

            //如果有,在时间T + L启动一个任务,然后,将永远
            如果(firstOldCE.Task == NULL || firstOldCE.Task.Start == task.End)
                newCE.NextTask = firstOldCE.Task;
                VAR CE = oldCEs.OrderBy(X =&GT; Math.Min(x.Task.Start  -  newCE.Task.End,x.MinGap))最近()。
                newCE.NextTask = ce.Task;
                newCE.Gaps ++;
                newCE.MinGap = Math.Min(ce.MinGap,ce.Task.Start  -  task.End);

            VAR toComp =缓存[T]?缓存[T + 1];
                缓存[T] = toComp;
                VAR ceList =新的名单,其中,CacheEntry&GT; {newCE};

                //我们需要保持跟踪开始在区间[T,T + 1]的所有上下解的X的
                INT IDX = newCE.Task.Start + 1;
                而(IDX&LT; newCE.Task.End)
                    toComp =缓存[IDX]
                        newCE.Tasks == toComp.First()任务和放大器;&安培;
                        newCE.Gaps == toComp.First()差距与放大器;&安培;
                        newCE.MinGap&GT; = toComp.First()MinGap。
                        。IDX + = toComp.First()Task.End;
                        IDX ++;

                缓存[T] = ceList;

    VAR RV =新的名单,其中,任务&GT;();
    VAR CURR =缓存[0]。首先();
        如果(curr.NextTask == NULL)破​​;
        CURR =缓存[curr.NextTask.Start]。首先();



        新任务【开始= 0,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 3,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 4,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 5,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 6,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 9,长度= 2},

    溶胶= F(任务);

        新任务【开始= 0,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 3,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 4,长度= 2},
        新任务【开始= 8,长度= 2},

    溶胶= F(任务);

        新任务【开始= 0,长度= 5},
        新任务【开始= 6,长度= 5},
        新任务【开始= 7,长度= 3},
        新任务【开始= 8,长度= 9},
        新任务【开始= 19,长度= 1},

    溶胶= F(任务);


I'm trying to determine the optimal solution for this tough problem. I've got a length (let's say 11). So it's a one dimensional space 0-10. Now I've got these intervals with same length (let's assume 2 in this example). Now they're randomly distributed (overlapping, or not). Let me draw an example:


|00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10| <- Space (length = 11)

                           |-----| <- single interval of length = 2

Now the solution needs to find the maximal number of intervals that can fit at once without overlap.

The solution is: 4 intervals

There are three results of 4 intervals:


|-----|  |-----|-----|     |-----| <- result 1
|-----|  |-----|  |-----|  |-----| <- result 2
|-----|     |-----|-----|  |-----| <- result 3

But there are also two more constraints as well.

  1. If there are more results (of best solution, in this case = 4), then the one with the least number of gaps.

  2. If there are more results still the one with the highest minimal length of all its spaces. For example the one with spaces (of length) 2 & 3 has minimal length of space = 2, that is better than 1 & 4 where the minimal length of space is only 1.

So the result 2 has 4 "continual" chunks, the other two have only 3 so the refinement is:


|-----|  |-----------|     |-----| <- result 1
|-----|     |-----------|  |-----| <- result 3

Those two got same space distributions between them, so let's take first one.

The result for the input set is:

Interval count  : 4
Optimal solution: |-----|  |-----------|     |-----|

The algorithm has to work universally for all the space length (not only 11), all interval lengths (interval length is always <= space length) and any number of intervals.


Problematic scenario:



This is a simple dynamic programming problem.

Let the total length be N and the length of a task be L.

Let F(T) be maximum number of tasks that can be selected from the sub interval (T, N), then at each unit time T, there are 3 possibilities:

  1. There is no task that starts at T.
  2. There is a task that starts at T, but we do not include it in the result set.
  3. There is a task that starts at T, and we do include it in the result set.

Case 1 is simple, we just have F(T) = F(T + 1).

In case 2/3, notice that selecting a task that start a T means we must reject all tasks that start while this task is running, i.e. between T and T + L. So we get F(T) = max(F(T + 1), F(T + L) + 1).

Finally, F(N) = 0. So you just start from F(N) and work your way back to F(0).

EDIT: This will give you the maximum number of intervals, but not the set that fulfils your 2 constraints. Your explanation of the constraints is unclear to me, so I'm not sure how to help you there. In particular, I can't tell what constraint 1 means since all the solutions to your example set are apparently equal.

EDIT 2: Some further explanation as requested:

Consider your posted example, we have N = 11 and L = 2. There are tasks that start at T = 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. Starting from F(11) = 0 and working backwards:

  • F(11) = 0
  • F(10) = F(11) = 0 (Since no task starts at T = 10)
  • F(9) = max(F(10), F(11) + 1) = 1
  • ...

Eventually we get to F(0) = 4:

T   |00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|
F(T)| 4| 3| 3| 3| 3| 2| 2| 1| 1| 1| 0|

EDIT 3: Well I was curious enough about this that I wrote a solution, so may as well post it. This will give you the set that has the most tasks, with the least number of gaps, and the smallest minimum gap. The output for the examples in the question is:

  • (0, 2) -> (4, 6) -> (6, 8) -> (9, 11)
  • (0, 2) -> (4, 6) -> (8, 10)

Obviously, I make no guarantees about correctness! :)

private class Task { public int Start { get; set; } public int Length { get; set; } public int End { get { return Start + Length; } }

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("({0:d}, {1:d})", Start, End);

private class CacheEntry : IComparable
    public int Tasks { get; set; }
    public int Gaps { get; set; }
    public int MinGap { get; set; }
    public Task Task { get; set; }
    public Task NextTask { get; set; }

    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        var other = obj as CacheEntry;
        if (Tasks != other.Tasks)
            return Tasks - other.Tasks; // More tasks is better
        if (Gaps != other.Gaps)
            return other.Gaps = Gaps; // Less gaps is better
        return MinGap - other.MinGap; // Larger minimum gap is better

private static IList<Task> F(IList<Task> tasks)
    var end = tasks.Max(x => x.End);
    var tasksByTime = tasks.ToLookup(x => x.Start);
    var cache = new List<CacheEntry>[end + 1];

    cache[end] = new List<CacheEntry> { new CacheEntry { Tasks = 0, Gaps = 0, MinGap = end + 1 } };

    for (int t = end - 1; t >= 0; t--)
        if (!tasksByTime.Contains(t))
            cache[t] = cache[t + 1];

        foreach (var task in tasksByTime[t])
            var oldCEs = cache[t + task.Length];
            var firstOldCE = oldCEs.First();
            var lastOldCE = oldCEs.Last();

            var newCE = new CacheEntry
                Tasks = firstOldCE.Tasks + 1,
                Task = task,
                Gaps = firstOldCE.Gaps,
                MinGap = firstOldCE.MinGap

            // If there is a task that starts at time T + L, then that will always
            // be the best option for us, as it will have one less Gap than the others
            if (firstOldCE.Task == null || firstOldCE.Task.Start == task.End)
                newCE.NextTask = firstOldCE.Task;
            // Otherwise we want the one that maximises MinGap.
                var ce = oldCEs.OrderBy(x => Math.Min(x.Task.Start - newCE.Task.End, x.MinGap)).Last();
                newCE.NextTask = ce.Task;
                newCE.MinGap = Math.Min(ce.MinGap, ce.Task.Start - task.End);

            var toComp = cache[t] ?? cache[t + 1];
            if (newCE.CompareTo(toComp.First()) < 0)
                cache[t] = toComp;
                var ceList = new List<CacheEntry> { newCE };

                // We need to keep track of all subsolutions X that start on the interval [T, T+L] that
                // have an equal number of tasks and gaps, but a possibly a smaller MinGap. This is
                // because an earlier task may have an even smaller gap to this task.
                int idx = newCE.Task.Start + 1;
                while (idx < newCE.Task.End)
                    toComp = cache[idx];
                        newCE.Tasks == toComp.First().Tasks &&
                        newCE.Gaps == toComp.First().Gaps &&
                        newCE.MinGap >= toComp.First().MinGap
                        idx += toComp.First().Task.End;

                cache[t] = ceList;

    var rv = new List<Task>();
    var curr = cache[0].First();
    while (true)
        if (curr.NextTask == null) break;
        curr = cache[curr.NextTask.Start].First();

    return rv;

public static void Main()
    IList<Task> tasks, sol;

    tasks = new List<Task>
        new Task { Start = 0, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 3, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 4, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 5, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 6, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 9, Length = 2 },

    sol = F(tasks);
    foreach (var task in sol)

    tasks = new List<Task>
        new Task { Start = 0, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 3, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 4, Length = 2 },
        new Task { Start = 8, Length = 2 },

    sol = F(tasks);
    foreach (var task in sol)

    tasks = new List<Task>
        new Task { Start = 0, Length = 5 },
        new Task { Start = 6, Length = 5 },
        new Task { Start = 7, Length = 3 },
        new Task { Start = 8, Length = 9 },
        new Task { Start = 19, Length = 1 },

    sol = F(tasks);
    foreach (var task in sol)



07-22 23:46