

我在让Facebook调用我的积分回调脚本时遇到问题.我已经建立了一家公司和回调URL.我使用了示例脚本.但是,尽管如此,当我尝试使用JS sdk访问付款窗口时,总是会出现此错误.

I have a problem getting facebook to call my credits callback script. I've setup a company and the callback url. I used the example script for it. But nonetheless I always get this error when I try to access the payment window using the JS sdk.

var obj = {
    method: 'pay',
    order_info: order_info,
    purchase_type: 'item'
    // dev_purchase_params: {'oscif': true}

 FB.ui(obj, getCashCB);



error code from console: 1383046meaning:


No matter if I'm in sandbox mode, set the callback url to something completely different.The callback script is never called.


I've searched far and long for anybody else with this problem, but found nothing meaningful. There was something about the server accepting curl requests from facebook but I don't know what that means or how to test for it.



Solved! Whilst looking for the cause I noticed that this error can pop up from a lot of things. But this case is rather specific:


Because the facebook app is still in development, we hid it behind a .htaccess file. So when you visit the site, you login, and the app loads etc. BUT this doesn't work for the credits callback file. Since the request then comes from facebook, it would have to login with user:pass. I tried putting that in the callback URL, but that doesn't seem to work.


So I only need to put the callback file somewhere where you can reach it without .htaccess and Tadaaa it works!


07-22 20:29