

我正在我的mvc项目中使用jQuery。我正在创建用于保存,取消,添加新的键盘快捷键,我正在使用Alt + S,Alt + C,Alt + S,它正在使用chrome,在firefox上,它的Alt + S无法正常工作。


I am Using jQuery in my mvc project .I am creating keyboard shortcut for saving, canceling ,Add new for that I am using Alt+S,Alt+C,Alt+S,its working on chrome,on firefox ,its Alt+S is not working .

What I have tried:

$(document).on('keydown', function (e) {

    // e.preventDefault();
    e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;

    var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
    if (e.altKey === true && key === 78) {-Colling a Add Function
        //  AddCompany(); -i adding a new company
        alert('Are You Want to Add New Company ');
    if (e.altKey === true && key === 83) {-Colling a save Function
        // funSaveCreation();- save function
        alert('Are You Want to Save Company ');
    if (e.altKey === true && key === 67) {--Colling a cancel Function
        // Cancel();- cancel function
        alert('Are You Want to Cancel ');



10-29 13:00