本文介绍了Xcode 4 Cmd+alt+上/下重映射的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我意识到头文件和实现文件之间的切换已移至 ctrl+cmd+up/down.

I realise that switching between header and implementation files has moved to ctrl+cmd+up/down.

然而,这非常烦人,因为箭头键附近没有 Ctrl 按钮,之前我可以用一只手的 3 个手指快速完成.

however this is incredibly annoying, as there is no Ctrl button near the arrow keys, before I could do it quickly with 3 fingers on one hand.

所以我打开首选项发现我可以更改键绑定并尝试按 cmd+alt+up/down.然而,它似乎是唯一拒绝接受 alt 键的盒子.我尝试了 alt+any 键的任意组合,它只是输入了没有 alt 的键.我怎样才能绕过这个?是否有手动设置键绑定的方法,为什么这两个特定键绑定中不允许使用 alt?

So i opened up preferences found that I could change the key bindings and attempted to press cmd+alt+up/down. However it seems that it is the only box that refuses to accept the alt key. I tried any combination of alt+any key, and it just entered the key without alt. How can I bypass this? Is there a manual way of setting key bindings, and why on earth is alt not allowed in these 2 particular key bindings?


我向 Apple 报告了一个错误.(问题 ID:9125898)

I reported a bug at apple. (Problem ID: 9125898)

请在那里添加任何详细信息.. 哎呀,不可能.. 只需提交另一个:)

Please add any details there.. [edit] oops, not possible.. Just submit another one :)

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10-27 15:45