

我想使用尝试执行简单的总和和平均值,但我得到意想不到的结果。我遵循 for data.table。我发现一种方式工作,但我不知道为什么这个方法在FAQ的第2节不是。

 基因TCGA_04_1348 TCGA_04_1362 genesum 
1:A1BG 0.94565 0.70585 0.94565
2:A1BG-AS 0.97610 1.15850 0.97610
3:A1CF 0.00000 0.02105 0.00000
4:A2BP1 0.00300 0.04150 0.00300
5:A2LD1 4.57975 5.02820 4.57975
6:A2M 60.37320 36.09715 60.37320


 基因TCGA_04_1348 TCGA_04_1362 genesum 
1:A1BG 0.94565 0.70585 1.65150
2:A1BG-AS 0.97610 1.15850 2.13460
3:A1CF 0.00000 0.02105 0.02105
4:A2BP1 0.00300 0.04150 0.04450
5:A2LD1 4.57975 5.02820 9.60795
6:A2M 60.37320 36.09715 96.47035


      gene      TCGA_04_1348      TCGA_04_1362   genesum
  1:    A1BG          0.94565          0.70585  0.94565
  2: A1BG-AS          0.97610          1.15850  0.97610
  3:    A1CF          0.00000          0.02105  0.00000
  4:   A2BP1          0.00300          0.04150  0.00300
  5:   A2LD1          4.57975          5.02820  4.57975
  6:     A2M         60.37320         36.09715 60.37320

and this is giving me the desired result

       gene     TCGA_04_1348       TCGA_04_1362 genesum
  1:    A1BG          0.94565          0.70585  1.65150
  2: A1BG-AS          0.97610          1.15850  2.13460
  3:    A1CF          0.00000          0.02105  0.02105
  4:   A2BP1          0.00300          0.04150  0.04450
  5:   A2LD1          4.57975          5.02820  9.60795
  6:     A2M         60.37320         36.09715 96.47035

I have many more columns and rows, this is just a subset. Does this have anything to do with the way I set the key?

 NAME        NROW    MB COLS                                                      KEY
 [1,] dt     20,785  2  gene,TCGA_04_1348_01A,TCGA_04_1362_01A,genesum            gene

A few things:

  1. dt[, genesum:=lapply(.SD,sum), by=gene] and dt[, genesum:=apply(dt[,-1, with=FALSE],1, sum)] are quite different.

    • dt[, genesum:=lapply(.SD,sum), by=gene] loops over the columns of the .SD data.table and sums them

    • dt[, genesum:=apply(dt[,-1, with=FALSE],1, sum)] is looping over the rows (ie. apply(x, 1, function) applies function to every row in x

  2. I think you can get what you want by calling rowSums, like so:

    dt[, genesum := rowSums(dt[, -1, with=FALSE])]

Is that what you're after?


09-05 16:27