根据 CUDA编程指南,第122页,有可能一个设备/全局函数中动态分配内存,只要我们使用计算架构2.x版本
According to the CUDA Programming Guide , Page 122, it is possible to dynamically allocate memory inside a device/global function so long as we're using compute architecture 2.x.
My problem is that when I attempt this I get the command line message:
命令命令的一些-gen code = ARCH = compute_10,code = \\sm_10,compute_10 \\-gen code = ARCH = compute_20,code = \\ sm_20,compute_20 \\等等...
This is followed by an error saying that you cannot call a host function (malloc) from a device/global function.
以上消息显示,它正试图在计算1.x的编译我使用VS2010,并有code一代设置为compute_20,sm_20中的CUDA C / C ++属性页,所以我不知道为什么它仍然试图在计算1.x的编译我肯定使用支持2.x的一张牌任何想法?
The above message is showing that it is attempting to compile under compute 1.x. I am using VS2010 and have "Code Generation" set to "compute_20,sm_20" in the "CUDA C/C++" property page, so I am not sure why it is still trying to compile under compute 1.x. I am definitely using a card that supports 2.x. Any ideas?
您应该能看到NVCC命令行输出。事实上,我认为你所有的-gen code /粘贴等该位。在它的是的命令行。因此,这也是证明你是编译code为sm_10和sm_20,这就是为什么,当你调用malloc得到错误。
You should be able to see the nvcc command line in the output. In fact, I think that bit you pasted with all the -gencode/etc. in it is your command line. Therefore, it is also proof that you are compiling the code for both sm_10 and sm_20, which is why you get the error when you call malloc.
您可以通过包装调用与#如果__CUDA_ARCH__&GT对malloc确认;。= 200
You can confirm by wrapping the calls to malloc with #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 200
and see if the error goes away.
I'm guessing that you set the properties to compile for sm_20 in the default properties for .cu files in your project, but after you added the .cu file to the project. When the file was added to the project, the defaults were probably set to sm_10 and sm_20 (which is the default for the .rules file). If you right-click on the file itself you might see that sm_20 is checked. Just a hunch.
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