

所以我现在正在为一个项目使用 jQuery插件,我写了一些使用自定义函数。

So I'm working with the Handsontable jQuery plugin for a project at the moment, and I've written some custom functions to work with it.


The function I'm currently having trouble with is one I've written to return the currently selected cell(when the user has only selected one, not multiple, and yes that is checked for).


function getCurrentCell(){
    var selection = $('div.current');
    var left = selection.offset().left;
    var right = left + selection.width();
    var top = selection.offset().top;
    var bottom = top + selection.height();
        if($(this).offset().left >= left && $(this).offset().left <= right && $(this).offset().top >= top && $(this).offset().top <= bottom){
            return this;
    return false;


However, whenever I call the function such as:

var cell = getCurrentCell();

然后尝试提醒(单元格) console.log(单元格),我得到 false 返回值。

And then attempt to alert(cell) or console.log(cell), I get a false return value.


My initial thought would be that somehow the coordinates would be off, and therefore no element would be found matching the criteria, so I attempted to check by adding...

$(this).css('background-color', 'black');


...right before the return this line. That way, if the right table cell is found, it will show up on screen before actually returning in code. Funny thing is, the correct cell always has its background color changed properly. So, this function is finding the correct cell, and it is executing the code within the if loop, but when I try and capture the return value into a variable, that variable is always false.


Any help would be great! Thanks SO!



You are using .each() with a function

    return this;
return false;

这将从回调中返回(如果,可能会停止每个循环这个 false ),但永远不会突破并从外部 getCurrentCell 函数返回!所以,那个将永远返回 false

This will return from the callback (and maybe stop the each-loop if this was false), but never break out and return from the outer getCurrentCell function! So, that one will always return false.


var result = false;
    if (<condition>) {
        result = <found element>;
        return false; // break each-loop
return result; // still false if nothing found


08-27 11:52