In my app I'm letting mongo generate order id's via its ObjectId method.
But in user testing we've had some concerns that the order id's are humanly 'intimidating', i.e. if you need to discuss your order with someone over the telephone, reading out 24 alphanumeric characters is a bit tedious.
At the same time, I don't really want to have to store two different id's, one 'human-accessible' and one used by mongo internally.
所以我的问题是-有没有办法选择我可以肯定地确定其mongo objectId字符串的长度为6甚至8的子字符串?
So my question is this - is there a way to choose a substring of length 6 or even 8 of the mongo objectId string that I could be fairly sure would be unique ?
例如,如果我有一个像这样的mongo objectid
For example if I have a mongo objectid like this
id = '4b28dcb61083ed3c809e0416'
human_id = id.substr(0,7);
,并确保我总是为我的订单获得唯一的ID ...
and be sure that i'd always get unique id's for my orders...
The advantage of course is that these are orders, and so are human-created, and so there aren't millions of them per millisecond. On the other hand, it would really be a problem if two orders had the same shortened id...
--- clearer explanation ---
I guess a better way to ask my question would be this :
例如,如果我决定只使用最后6个字符mongo id的形式,是否有某种概率量度,仅这6个字符会在给定的一周内重复出现?
If I decide for example to just use the last 6 characters of a mongo id, is there some kind of measure of 'probability' that just these 6 characters would repeat in a given week ?
Given a certain number of mongo's running in parallel, a certain number of users during the week, etc.
If you have multiple web servers, with multiple processes, then there really isn't something you can remove with losing uniqueness.
如果您查看 ObjectId
- 一个4字节的值,表示自Unix纪元以来的秒数,
- 一个3字节的机器标识符,
- 2字节的进程ID,
- 3字节的计数器,从随机值开始。
- a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch,
- a 3-byte machine identifier,
- a 2-byte process id, and
- a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
You'll see there's not much there that you could safely remove. As the first 4 bytes are time, it would be challenging to implement an algorithm that removed portions of the time stamp in a clean and safe way.
The machine identifier and process identifier are used in cases where there are multiple servers and/or processes acting as clients to the database server. If you dropped either of those, you could end up with duplicates again. The random value as the last 3 bytes is used to make sure that two identifiers, on the same machine, within the same process are unique, even when requested frequently.
如果您将其用作订单 id
If you were using it as an order id
, and you want assured uniqueness, I wouldn't trim anything away from the 12 byte number as it was carefully designed to provide a robust and efficient distributed mechanism for generating unique numbers when there are many connected database clients.
If you took the last 5 characters of the ObjectId ..., and in a given period, what's the probability of conflict?
- 进程ID
- 计数器
The probability of conflict is high. The process id may remain the same through the entire period, and the other number is just an incrementing number that would repeat after 4095 orders. But, if the process recycles, then you also have the chance that there will be a conflict with older orders, etc. And if you're talking multiple database clients, the chances increase as well. I just wouldn't try to trim the number. It's not worth the unhappy customers trying to place orders.
当有多个数据库客户端生成 ObjectIds 。当您开始查看各个部分时,尤其是在数据库客户端服务器场的情况下,您应该了解为什么存在这些部分,以及为什么删除它们会导致 ObjectId 生成。
Even the timestamp and the random seed value aren't sufficient when there are multiple database clients generating
. As you start to look at the various pieces, especially in the context of a farm of database clients, you should see why the pieces are there, and why removing them could lead to a meltdown in ObjectId
I'd suggest you implement an algorithm to create a unique number and store it in the database. It's simple enough to do. It does impact performance a bit, but it's safe.
I wrote this answer a while ago about the challenges of using an
in a Url. It includes a link to how to create a unique auto incrementing number using MongoDB.
这篇关于mongodb objectid的一部分很可能是唯一的的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!