

给出一个名为 MainModel 的模型和一个 RelatedModel ,其中后者具有 MainModel ForeignKey 字段:

Given a model named MainModel and a RelatedModel, where the later has a ForeignKey field to MainModel:

class MainModel(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    type = models.BooleanField()

class RelatedModel1(models.Model):
    main = models.ForeingKey(MainModel):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class RelatedModel2(models.Model):
    main = models.ForeingKey(MainModel):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)


and the corresponding ModelAdmin classes:

class RelatedModel1InlineAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
    model = RelatedModel1

class RelatedModel2InlineAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
    model = RelatedModel2

class MainModel(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [RelatedModel1, RelatedModel2]

这是默认行为,您将获得两个内联,每个相关模型一个.问题是如何在创建 MainModel 实例( ModelAdmin add_view )时完全隐藏所有内联,并显示当 MainModel 实例的 type 字段为 True 时, RelatedModel1 的内联,并显示的内联当 False 时为RelatedModel2 .

And that's the default behavior, you get two inlines, one for every related model. The question is how to hide completely all the inlines when the MainModel instance is being created (the ModelAdmin's add_view), and to show the inlines for RelatedModel1 when the type field of the MainModel instance is True, and show the inlines for RelatedModel2 when False.

我打算为 ModelAdmin.inline_instances 创建一个描述符属性,但我意识到我需要访问正在编辑的对象实例,但它会作为参数传递.

I was going to create a descriptor for the ModelAdmin.inline_instances attribute, but I realized that I need access to the object instance being edited, but it is passed around as parameters.




@Yuji'Tomita'Tomitayou这个主意很好,我也有同样的想法,但是一旦尝试,我意识到您还必须从 self上删除特定的密钥.内联,因为在 change_view add_view 方法中,在 get_formsets()之前调用方法 self.get_inline_instances(request)>.因此,我将内联处理移到了 get_form()方法.

@Yuji 'Tomita' Tomitayou the idea was good, i had the same but once trying, i realized you must also remove specific key from self.inlines because in change_view and add_view method self.get_inline_instances(request) is called before get_formsets(). Therefore i moved inlines handling to get_form() method.


Here is how i sucessfully did it:

class SampleAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    inlines = []

    def get_inlines(self):
        return [SampleInline, SampleInline2]

    def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
        # due to django admin form fields caching you must
        # redefine inlines on every `get_form()` call
        if (obj): self.inlines = self.get_inlines()
        for inline in self.inlines:
            # Here change condition based on your needs and manipulate
            # self.inlines as you like (remove, change, etc).
            # I used inline.__name__ to detect if this is correct inline
            # for my obj
            if obj.CONDITION:
        return super(SampleAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)


08-26 09:33