本文介绍了在PHP 5.4.4中使用PDO DBLIB调用3个存储过程失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我尝试在PHP 5.4.4(Linux)中使用PDO DBLIB依次调用3个SQL Server 2000存储过程,并且在第二个查询时出现错误:致命错误:调用成员函数fetchAll ()在非对象上

I try to call 3 SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures one after the other using PDO DBLIB in PHP 5.4.4 (Linux) and I get an error at the second query : Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object


The first query works perfectly, returning results as expected. If I move query order, every time the first query succeeds and the others fail.

此外,当完全相同的代码在PHP 5.3.14服务器上运行时,一切正常.

Also, when the exact same code is run on a PHP 5.3.14 server, everything works great.


$dbh = new PDO ("dblib:host=myhost;dbname=mydb","user","pass");

$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc1 'param1'");
$result = $query->fetchAll();

$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc2 'param1'");
$result = $query->fetchAll(); // <-- Fails here

$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc3 'param1'");
$result = $query->fetchAll();

是否有任何使此代码在PHP 5.4上运行的线索?

Any clue to make this code run on PHP 5.4 ?

PDO :: errorInfo给我该错误:Attempt to initiate a new Adaptive Server operation with results pending [20019] (severity 7) [EXEC dbo.storedProc2 'param1']

EDIT : PDO::errorInfo gives me that error : Attempt to initiate a new Adaptive Server operation with results pending [20019] (severity 7) [EXEC dbo.storedProc2 'param1']

此外,用SELECT(例如SELECT 1,SELECT 3和SELECT 3)调用query会得到相同的结果(给出第一个结果,其后为空)

Also, calling query with a SELECT (SELECT 1, SELECT 3 and SELECT 3 for example) gives the same result (first result is given, following are empty)


EDIT 2 : Looks like it's related to a PHP bug, as noticed by Capilé in the comments


我要费力地说,您的存储过程返回了多个结果集.要么是SQL Server 2000血腥地坚持要在游标为空时在下一个查询之前关闭游标.无论哪种方式,这都可以解决问题:

I'm going to do out on a limb and say that your stored procedure returns more than one result set. Either that, or SQL Server 2000 is bloody-mindedly insisting that you close the cursor before next query when it's empty. Either way, this should fix the problem:

$dbh = new PDO ("dblib:host=myhost;dbname=mydb","user","pass");

$results = array();
$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc1 'param1'");
do {
  $results[] = $query->fetchAll();
} while ($query->nextRowset());

$results = array();
$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc2 'param1'");
do {
  $results[] = $query->fetchAll();
} while ($query->nextRowset());

$results = array();
$query = $dbh->query("EXEC dbo.storedProc3 'param1'");
do {
  $results[] = $query->fetchAll();
} while ($query->nextRowset());


Be aware that when actually using $results it will be one level deeper than you might expect, because it can store multiple result sets, and these would be stored in separate keys.

这篇关于在PHP 5.4.4中使用PDO DBLIB调用3个存储过程失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 07:17