本文介绍了Perl 5中的惰性评估技术示例?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I find that one of the most interesting features of both Haskell and Perl6 is the ability to defer calculating values until they are actually needed.


Perl5 on the other hand likes to do everything immediately, but from what I can tell, contains all of the necessary primitives for lazy evaluation. Those are:

  • 在子例程中引用@_会创建一个数组引用,该数组引用是其参数列表中标识符的别名,即使其中某些标识符尚不包含值.
  • 从内部保存\@_的此类子例程返回重载/绑定对象,然后在需要时取消引用. (并且有各种CPAN模块可以抽象出平局/过载细节)
  • taking a reference to @_ in a subroutine creates an array reference that is aliased to the identifiers in its argument list, even if some of those identifiers do not contain values yet.
  • returning overloaded / tied objects from such subroutines that hold \@_ internally, and then dereference it when needed. (and there are various CPAN modules that abstract away the tie/overload details)

我已经在Perl中尝试了各种惰性编程技术(我的作品中有一个模块可以在Perl5中实现相当一部分的Haskell Prelude(类似于递归:$_ = list 0, 1, zipWith {&sum} $_, tail $_ for my $fibs;这样的定义斐波那契序列的东西是已经工作)).但是我有种感觉,当在较大的表达式/程序中使用这些函数时,代码中会隐藏一些细微的错误.

I've been experimenting with various lazy programming techniques in Perl (I have a module in the works that implements a fair bit of the Haskell Prelude in Perl5 (things like co-recursion: $_ = list 0, 1, zipWith {&sum} $_, tail $_ for my $fibs; to define the Fibonacci sequence are already working)). But I have a feeling that there are some subtle bugs hiding in the code that may manifest when the functions are used in larger expressions / programs.


So I am wondering if there are any good examples (CPAN / blogs / books) that anyone knows of that employ Haskell/Perl6 like laziness in Perl5? In particular, I would like to read through any code of significant size that employs this type of laziness.

我也想知道是否有人在Perl 5中实施延迟评估时遇到任何麻烦或棘手的问题.

I would also be interested to know if anyone has run into any gotchas or intractable problems surrounding the implementation of lazy evaluation in Perl 5.


高级Perl(免费提供在线 )的一章称为无限流".也许这是一个很好的起点.

Higher-Order Perl (freely available online) has a chapter called "Infinite Streams". Maybe that's a good starting point.

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08-20 10:01