


Hello friends I am working on a project and I have a problem.See Images below


现在,img 2中的这个紫色区域看起来像是变形的,因为我在缩小外部正方形的大小时只绘制了线。

This purple rectangle is my main region which I want to rotate and transform. I have rotated this using Qtransform rotate at 30 degrees and has size(180,173). I have calculated the cords of inner region and pass those to paint event and when I resize outer Rectangle this inner rectangle is drawn using painterpath see image belowNow this purple region in img 2 looks like transformed because I have drawn only cords when I reduced the size of outer rectacle.


So my question is, Is there any method to calculate at what angle inner region gets transformed If yes please help me guys.


我假设你能够得到目标图的坐标(应用变换后)。您可以使用 atan2 函数获得向量和X轴之间的角度(以弧度表示):

I assume you are able to get coordinates of target figure (after applying the transform). You can get the angle (in radiance) between a vector and the X axis using atan2 function:

QPointF vector = vector_end - vector_start;
double angle = atan2(vector.y(), vector.x());

两个向量的差异 angle 给你这两个向量之间的角度。您可能需要通过添加或减去2π来确保差值在[0,2π]范围内。

Difference of angle values of two vectors will give you angle between those two vectors. You may need to make sure that the difference is in [0, 2π] range by adding or substracting 2π.


08-20 04:14