


我正在使用Eclipse开发Java应用程序。 Maven用于创建最终的jar文件。

I am developing a Java application using Eclipse. Maven is used to create the final jar file.


In the application, I use some image icons for the buttons. Following some instructions on the Internet, I created a "source" directory by clicking on the project. I named the source directory as "res" and moved my images to this directory.

public static ImageIcon getIcon() {
  if (isThisJarfile()) {
     URL url = this.class.getResources("/res/myicon.png");
     return new ImageIcon(url);
  }else {
     return new ImageIcon("/res/myicon.png");


This works fine when the app is not packaged as a jar file (great for debugging). However, when maven packages it, I see that the images are put in the root directory of the jar file. The following call works:

    URL url = this.class.getResource("/myicon.png");


I am wondering if there is some step that I overlooked.

注意我不需要为图像做任何特殊的pom.xml。 Maven自动接收它们(除了它们在错误的位置)。

Note that I didn't have to do anything special to pom.xml for the images. Maven automatically picked them up (except that it is putting them in the wrong location).





如果您遵循标准的Maven项目目录结构,最好将所有非Java资源放在 src / main / resources 之下。例如,您可以创建一个子目录图像,以便完整路径为 src / main / resources / images 。此目录将包含所有应用程序映像。

If you're following the standard Maven project directory structure then it is best to put all non-Java resources under src/main/resources. For example, you could create a subdirectory images, so that the full path would be src/main/resources/images. This directory would contain all your application images.


A special care should be taken to properly access images when application is packaged. For example, the following function should do everything you need.

public static Image getImage(final String pathAndFileName) {
    final URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(pathAndFileName);
    return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);

此功能可用作 getImage(images /some-image.png)以便在图像目录中加载 some-image.png 文件。

This function can be used as getImage("images/some-image.png") in order to load some-image.png file in the image directory.

如果 ImageIcon 是必需的,那么只需调用新的ImageIcon(getImage(images / some-image.png)) 会做的伎俩。

If ImageIcon is required then simply calling new ImageIcon(getImage("images/some-image.png")) would do the trick.


08-04 01:42