在大多数JMM推理中使用的AtomicXXX.lazySet(value)方法在边缘发生之前是什么意思? Javadocs完全是基于它的,并且Sun bug 指出:
What does mean AtomicXXX.lazySet(value) method in terms of happens-before edges, used in most of JMM reasoning? The javadocs is pure on it, and Sun bug 6275329 states:
But this not a reasoning about HB edges, so it confuses me. Does it mean what lazySet() semantics can't be expressed in terms of HB edges?
UPDATE: I'll try to concretize my question. I can use ordinary volatile field in following scenario:
//thread 1: producer
...fill some data structure
myVolatileFlag = 1;
//thread 2: consumer
...use data structure...
在这种情况下,消费者使用数据结构是正确的,因为易失标志写入-read使HB边缘,保证生产者对数据结构的所有写操作都将完成,并且对消费者可见。但是,如果在这种情况下我将使用AtomicInteger.lazySet / get而不是volatile写入/读取怎么办?
In this scenario use of "data structure" in consumer is correct, since volatile flag write-read make HB edge, giving guarantee what all writes to "data structure" by producer will be completed, and visible by consumer. But what if I'll use AtomicInteger.lazySet/get instead of volatile write/read in this scenario?
//thread 1: producer
...fill some data structure
//thread 2: consumer
...use data structure...
will it be still correct? Can I still really on "data structure" values visibility in consumer thread?
这不是来自空中的问题-我已经在LMAX Disruptor代码中看到了这种方法在这种情况下,我不明白如何证明它是正确的...
It is not "from air" question -- I've seen such method in LMAX Disruptor code in exactly this scenario, and I don't understand how to prove it is correct...
The lazySet
operations do not create happens-before edges and are therefore not guaranteed to be immediately visible. This is a low-level optimization that has only a few use-cases, which are mostly in concurrent data structures.
The garbage collection example of nulling out linked list pointers has no user-visible side effects. The nulling is preferred so that if nodes in the list are in different generations, it doesn't force a more expensive collection to be performed to discard the link chain. The use of lazySet maintains hygenic semantics without incurring volatile write overhead.
另一个示例是使用受锁保护的易失性字段,例如 ConcurrentHashMap
Another example is the usage of volatile fields guarded by a lock, such as in ConcurrentHashMap
. The fields are volatile to allow lock-free reads, but writes must be performed under a lock to ensure strict consistency. As the lock guarantees the happens-before edge on release, an optimization is to use lazySet when writing to the fields and flushing all of the updates when unlocking. This helps keep the critical section short by avoiding unnecessary stalls and bus traffic.
如果编写并发数据结构,则 lazySet
If you write a concurrent data structure then lazySet
is a good trick to be aware of. Its a low-level optimization so its only worth considering when performance tuning.