我正在尝试将 foreach 循环与 arraylist 一起使用,但是当我使用它时,它给了我错误,但是当我使用普通的 for 循环时,它运行良好,可能是什么问题?
I'm trying to make use of the foreach loop with the arraylist, but when I use it, it gives me error, but when I use normal for loop, it works perfectly, what could be the problem?
for (Pair p2 : R) {
if ((p2.getFirstElm() == p.getSecondElm()) && (p2.getFirstElm() != p2.getSecondElm()))
R.add(new Pair (p.getFirstElm(), p2.getSecondElm()));
else if ((p2.getSecondElm() == p.getFirstElm()) && (p2.getFirstElm() != p2.getSecondElm()))
R.add(new Pair (p2.getFirstElm(), p.getSecondElm()));
// else
// There are no transitive pairs in R.
this is the loop that doesnt work, and here is the one that works:
for (int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++) {
if ((R.get(i).getFirstElm() == p.getSecondElm()) && (R.get(i).getFirstElm() != R.get(i).getSecondElm()))
R.add(new Pair (p.getFirstElm(), R.get(i).getSecondElm()));
else if ((R.get(i).getSecondElm() == p.getFirstElm()) && (R.get(i).getFirstElm() != R.get(i).getSecondElm()))
R.add(new Pair (R.get(i).getFirstElm(), p.getSecondElm()));
// There are no transitive pairs in R.
我在使用 foreach 循环时遇到的错误是:
the error I'm getting when using the foreach loop is:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
at set.problem.fourth.PoSet.makeTransitive(PoSet.java:145)
at set.problem.fourth.PoSet.addToR(PoSet.java:87)
at set.problem.fourth.PoSetDriver.typicalTesting(PoSetDriver.java:35)
at set.problem.fourth.PoSetDriver.main(PoSetDriver.java:13)
这种情况可能发生在多线程和单线程的情况下线程环境.- www.javacodegeeks.com
This situation can come in case of multithreaded as well as single threaded environment. - www.javacodegeeks.com
您不能在 for/each
循环中修改 List
,这是围绕 Iterator
的语法糖,作为实现细节.您只能在直接使用 Iterator
时安全地调用 .remove()
You can't modify a List
in a for/each
loop, which is syntactic sugar around the Iterator
as an implementation detail. You can only safely call .remove()
when using the Iterator
注意 Iterator.remove 是修改集合的唯一安全方式在迭代过程中;如果底层的行为是未指定的在迭代过程中以任何其他方式修改集合进步.- Java 集合教程
Calling .add()
inside the for/each
loop modifies the contents, and the Iterator
that is used behind the scenes sees this and throws this exception.
一个更微妙的问题是你列出的第二种方式,每次你 .add()
时 .size()
A more subtle concern is the that the second way you list, the .size()
is increasing every time you .add()
so you will end up processing all the things you .add()
, this could possibly cause an endless loop depending on what the input data is. I am not sure if this is what you desire.
我会创建另一个 ArrayList
和 .add()
给它所有的新东西,然后在循环之后,使用 .addAll()
code> 在原始 ArrayList
I would create another ArrayList
and .add()
to it all the new things, and then after the loop, use .addAll()
on the original ArrayList
to combine the two lists together. This will make things explicit in what you are trying to do, that is unless your intention is process all the newly added things as you add them.
始终使用 Immutable
集合类并构建新的 Immutable
集合类,而不是尝试修改单个共享类.这基本上就是我 2012 年的回答所说的,但我想让它更明确.
Always use Immutable
collections classes and build new Immutable
collection classes instead of trying to modify a single shared one. This is basically what my 2012 answer says but I wanted to make it more explicit.
Guava 很好地支持了这一点,使用 ImmutableList.copyOf()
Guava supports this very well, use ImmutableList.copyOf()
to pass around data.
使用 Iterables.filter()
过滤掉东西到一个新的 ImmutableList
Use Iterables.filter()
to filter out stuff into a new ImmutableList
, no shared mutable state, means no concurrency problems!
这篇关于在 ArrayList 的 foreach 循环中添加时出现 ConcurrentModificationException的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!