本文介绍了python __all__ 模块级变量有什么用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 python/Lib 源代码中看到了很多,但我不知道它是干什么用的.

I've seen it a lot in python/Lib source code but I don't know what it is for.

我认为它用于限制模块的可访问成员.所以只有 __all__ 处的元素会在 dir(module) 时出现.

I thought it was used to limit accessible members of of a module. So only the elements at __all__ will show up when dir(module).


I did a little example and saw it was not working as I expected.

那么... python __all__ 模块级变量是干什么用的?

So... What's the python __all__ module level variable for?



  1. 任何阅读源代码的人都会知道公开的公共 API 是什么.它不会阻止他们在私有声明中四处寻找,但确实提供了一个很好的警告.

  1. Anybody who reads the source will know what the exposed public API is. It doesn't prevent them from poking around in private declarations, but does provide a good warning not to.

使用 from mod import * 时,只会导入 __all__ 中列出的名称.在我看来,这并不重要,因为导入所有内容真的是个坏主意.

When using from mod import *, only names listed in __all__ will be imported. This is not as important, in my opinion, because importing everything is a really bad idea.

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08-02 02:56