当我对项目文件夹中的文件进行更改时,除非在终端中键入 git add.
,否则"SOURCE CONTROL:GIT"面板不会显示更改.
When I make a change to a file in the project folder, the 'SOURCE CONTROL: GIT' panel is not showing the changes unless I type git add .
in the terminal.
They do show as 'Uncommitted Changes' in Git Graph.
You can see this in the below screenshot:
I have quit VSCode and reopened it, and made sure to open the project root folder which has the .git file which when opened showed the changes, but after I had committed, pushed, and then made some new changes, they were again not picked up.
How can I resolve this for good?
This happened to me when I tried merging one branch into another with merge conflicts.
问题最终是git Unmerged path
中的两组重复文件,其中唯一的区别是它们路径中的文件夹名称带有不同的字母大小写.我对两个文件的大小写不正确使用了 git remove
The problem ended up being two sets of duplicate files in git Unmerged paths
where the only difference was a folder name in their paths with different letter casing. I used git remove
on the two files with incorrect casing and the problem was immediately resolved.
% git status
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
both deleted: filePATH/file01.ts
both deleted: filePATH/file02.ts
added by us: filePath/file01.ts
added by us: filePath/file02.ts
% git remove filePATH/file01.ts
% git remove filePATH/file02.ts
% git add filePath/file01.ts
% git add filePath/file02.ts