I understand pointers and the rare need to use them in C# code. My question is: what is the reasoning behind having to explicitly state "unsafe" in a block of code. Additionally, why must a compiler option be changed to allow "unsafe" code?
底线:什么在CLR(或语言规范)使得它,所以我们不能只使用指针,每当我们想要的(就像C和C ++),而不必键入不安全,改变了编译器选项?
Bottom Line: What in the CLR (or language specs) makes it so we can't just use pointers whenever we want (much like C and C++) without having to type "unsafe" and change the compiler option?
有与C#的创造者安德斯Hejlsberg为采访时表示,关于这一主题的。基本上,正是@Marc Gravell说:类型安全第一,明确宣布不安全。
There's an interview with C# Creator Anders Hejlsberg that touches on the subject here. Basically, exactly what @Marc Gravell said: typesafety first, unsafety by explicit declaration.
So to answer your question: nothing in the CLR prevents it; it's a language idiom designed to allow you to work with safety gloves when dealing with types. If you want to take the gloves off, it's your choice, but you have to make the active choice to take the gloves off.
额外的工作,B $ BA问题(好吧,没有那么多额外)
作为我联系采访中提到的,这是一个明确的设计决定。 C#本质上是Java的的演变和在Java中,你不必在所有的指针。但设计师想允许指针;然而,因为C#通常会引入Java开发人员,他们认为这将是最好的,如果在默认的行为是与Java类似,即没有指针,同时还允许通过显式声明指针的使用。
As mentioned in the interview I linked, it was an explicit design decision. C# is essentially an evolution of Java and in Java, you don't have pointers at all. But the designers wanted to allow pointers; however because C# would typically be bringing in Java developers, they felt it would be best if the default behavior be similar to Java, i.e. no pointers, while still allowing the use of pointers by explicit declaration.
So the "extra work" is deliberate to force you to think about what you are doing before you do it. By being explicit, it forces you to at least consider: "Why am I doing this? Do I really need a pointer when a reference type will suffice?"
这篇关于C#:显式声明"效益;不安全" /编译器选项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!