我有一个键/值的 Map
,我在 @PostConstruct
I have a Map
of key / values, which I initialize in @PostConstruct
as follows:
Map<String, String> myMap;
public void init() {
myMap=new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
public Map<String, String> getMyMap() {
return myMap;
public void setMyMap(Map<String, String> myMap) {
this.myMap = myMap;
当我尝试使用 <ui:repeat>
迭代这个 Map 时,如下所示,并且我在 Map 的 getter 上设置了一个断点,我注意到它没有被调用,所以没有打印任何内容:
When I try to iterate over this Map with <ui:repeat>
like shown bellow, and I set a break point on the getter for the Map, I notice that it is not getting called, and so nothing is printed:
<ui:repeat items="#{myBean.myMap}" var="entry" varStatus="loop">
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBoxes" value="#{entry.value}" />
<span class="#{fn:contains(entry.value,'g') ? 'bold-style' : ''}">#{entry.key}</span>
但是当用 <c:foreach>
But when replacing above code with <c:foreach>
, everything works fine, and the list is printed as expected, any ideas why I am getting such behavior?
更新: JSF 2.3(自 2017 年起)支持此 开箱即用.
UPDATE: JSF 2.3 (since 2017) supports this out of the box.
和 UIRepeat
不支持在 JSF 中遍历地图.
Unfortunately, UIData
and UIRepeat
have no support for iterating over a map in JSF.
If this bothers you (I guess it does), please vote for the following issue and if possible leave a comment that explains how you feel about this:
与此同时,您可以使用一些小助手代码遍历 Map:
In the mean time, you can iterate over a Map with some little helper code:
* Converts a Map to a List filled with its entries. This is needed since
* very few if any JSF iteration components are able to iterate over a map.
public static <T, S> List<Map.Entry<T, S>> mapToList(Map<T, S> map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
List<Map.Entry<T, S>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<T, S>>();
return list;
然后在 *-taglib.xml
文件中定义一个 EL 函数,如下所示:
Then define an EL function in a *-taglib.xml
file like this:
<function-signature>java.util.List mapToList(java.util.Map)</function-signature>
最后像这样在 Facelet 上使用它:
And finally use it on a Facelet like this:
<html xmlns:util="http://example.com/util">
<ui:repeat value="#{util:mapToList(someDate)}" var="entry" >
Key = #{entry.key} Value = #{entry.value} <br/>
这篇关于ui:repeat 不适用于 Map的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!