i'm very new to sencha and i need help with it.
can anyone give me few links regarding sencha tutorials and books....
前几天我发现了一个网站,上面有关于 sencha 的信息和源代码.
on the other day i found out a site showing info and source code about sencha.
i remember it as sencha kitchen sink.....but now when i google it i couldn't find it if you know about this please help me with a link.......
以下是我在过去几周学习 Sencha Touch 时发现有用的所有内容,希望它们有所帮助:
Here is everything I have found useful over the last few weeks whilst I have been learning Sencha Touch, hope they help:
1) 可以在此处找到许多视频:http://vimeo.com/15888504 (AndrewNeil 的特别好,有一些关于布局和一个带你了解如何创建 GeoTweets 示例应用程序)
1) A number of videos can be found here: http://vimeo.com/15888504 (Andrew Neil's are particularly good, there are a few on layouts and one that takes you through how to create the GeoTweets sample app)
2) Sencha 文档 - http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/文档/
2) Sencha Docs - http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/docs/
3) 入门文档(由 Sachin 上面提到)
3) Getting started doc (mentioned by Sachin above)
4) 下载 Sencha 时包含的示例(厨房水槽等)
4) The examples included when you download Sencha (Kitchen sink etc.)