


In a Rails application I'm trying to test a Bootstrap modal with a jQuery TokenInput field in Rspec using Capybara with the capybara-webkit driver. The portion in question is as follows:

click_link 'Create Team Modal'
sleep 1

within('div#modal_popup') do
  fill_in 'input#token-input-team_name', with: 'Fancy team name'
  sleep 1
  fill_in 'input#token-input-team_name', with: '\t'
  sleep 1

  click_button 'Create Team'

page.should have_content('Fancy team name')

  • 点击按钮获取模式信息
  • 使用团队名称填充TokenInput
  • 模拟Tab键使其处于选中状态
  • 创建团队
  • 验证名称是否显示在页面上
    • Click button to get modal
    • Fill in TokenInput with a team name
    • Simulate a Tab key-press to get it selected
    • Create the team
    • Verify the name shows up on the page
    • 这仅适用于所有已安装的sleep 1;否则Capybara会在have_content崩溃,最终会导致服务器错误,因为永远无法正确选择团队名称.但是,其他没有TokenInput的Bootstrap模态 在加载之前不需要sleep 1.

      This will only work with all those sleep 1s in place; otherwise Capybara crashes at have_content, eventually resulting in a server error because the team name was never able to be selected properly. Other Bootstrap modals without a TokenInput field do not require a sleep 1 before they load, however.

      说了这么多,有什么办法可以摆脱睡眠,并使睡眠照常进行吗? Capybara 2删除了wait_until(有充分的理由),因为它将在默认的等待时间内进行测试以测试某些内容……但这似乎并未反映在我的上述测试中;好像水豚在进入/退出此模式时没有参与该等待期.有人对此有经验吗?使用Rails 3.2.10,Rspec 2.12,Capybara 2,capybara-webkit 0.14.0,TokenInput 1.6.

      With all that said, is there any way to get rid of the sleeps and have this proceed as normal? Capybara 2 took out wait_until (with good reason) since it will wait within the default wait time to test for something...but that doesn't seem to be reflected in my above test; it's as if Capybara does not engage in that wait period upon entering/exiting this modal. Anyone have any experience with this? Using Rails 3.2.10, Rspec 2.12, Capybara 2, capybara-webkit 0.14.0, TokenInput 1.6.



      Try disabling animations in test env, layouts/application.html.erb

      <% if Rails.env.test? %>
       <style type="text/css">
          .modal.fade, .fade {
            -webkit-transition: opacity 0.01s;
            -moz-transition: opacity 0.01s;
            -ms-transition: opacity 0.01s;
            -o-transition: opacity 0.01s;
            transition: opacity 0.01s;


10-23 01:45