


x <- list(a=c(1,2,3), b = c(2,3,4), c=c(4,5,6))


I would like to find unique values from all list elements combined. So far, the following code did the trick



Does anyone know a more efficient way? I have a hefty list with a lot of values and would appreciate any speed-up.



This solution suggested by Marek is the best answer to the original Q. See below for a discussion of other approaches and why Marek's is the most useful.

> unique(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6




A faster solution is to compute unique() on the components of your x first and then do a final unique() on those results. This will only work if the components of the list have the same number of unique values, as they do in both examples below. E.g.:


First your version, then my double unique approach:

> unique(unlist(x))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
> unique.default(sapply(x, unique))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6


We have to call unique.default as there is a matrix method for unique that keeps one margin fixed; this is fine as a matrix can be treated as a vector.

Marek在对此答案的评论中指出,unlist方法的速度较慢,可能是由于列表中的names所致. Marek的解决方案是利用unlistuse.names参数,如果使用该参数,将比上述双重唯一版本提供更快的解决方案.对于Roman帖子的简单x,我们得到

Marek, in the comments to this answer, notes that the slow speed of the unlist approach is potentially due to the names on the list. Marek's solution is to make use of the use.names argument to unlist, which if used, results in a faster solution than the double unique version above. For the simple x of Roman's post we get

> unique(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6


Marek's solution will work even when the number of unique elements differs between components.


Here is a larger example with some timings of all three methods:

## Create a large list (1000 components of length 100 each)
DF <- as.list(data.frame(matrix(sample(1:10, 1000*1000, replace = TRUE),
                                ncol = 1000)))


Here are results for the two approaches using DF:

> ## Do the three approaches give the same result:
> all.equal(unique.default(sapply(DF, unique)), unique(unlist(DF)))
[1] TRUE
> all.equal(unique(unlist(DF, use.names = FALSE)), unique(unlist(DF)))
[1] TRUE
> ## Timing Roman's original:
> system.time(replicate(10, unique(unlist(DF))))
   user  system elapsed
  12.884   0.077  12.966
> ## Timing double unique version:
> system.time(replicate(10, unique.default(sapply(DF, unique))))
   user  system elapsed
  0.648   0.000   0.653
> ## timing of Marek's solution:
> system.time(replicate(10, unique(unlist(DF, use.names = FALSE))))
   user  system elapsed
  0.510   0.000   0.512


Which shows that the double unique is a lot quicker to applying unique() to the individual components and then unique() those smaller sets of unique values, but this speed-up is purely due to the names on the list DF. If we tell unlist to not use the names, Marek's solution is marginally quicker than the double unique for this problem. As Marek's solution is using the correct tool properly, and it is quicker than the work-around, it is the preferred solution.

使用双重unique方法的最大陷阱是,仅在 if 才有效,如此处的两个示例一样,输入列表的每个组成部分(DFx)具有相同数量的唯一值.在这种情况下,sapply将结果简化为矩阵,这使我们可以应用unique.default.如果输入列表的组件具有不同数量的唯一值,则双重唯一解决方案将失败.

The big gotcha with the double unique approach is that it will only work if, as in the two examples here, each component of the input list (DF or x) has the same number of unique values. In such cases sapply simplifies the result to a matrix which allows us to apply unique.default. If the components of the input list have differing numbers of unique values, the double unique solution will fail.


09-05 10:01