我使用 Visual Installer 项目进行部署.
I used Visual Installer project to deploy.
在我将 .NET 4.6 组件添加到我的项目并构建它之后,我没有点击安装选项,在 Visual Studio 中进行检查.
After I added .NET 4.6 components to my project and built it, I didn't got click to install option, to check this in Visual studio.
But after deleting this everything worked again.
下载先决条件:我会设置从供应商网站下载的先决条件 - 即屏幕截图中这 3 个的第一个选项 - 至少在我的英文 Visual Studio 安装项目中.恐怕我不会阅读俄语/西里尔字母.那些字母看起来真的很像外星语言:-).
Download Prerequisites: I would set the prerequisite to download from the vendor's web site - that is the first option of those 3 in your screen shot - at least in my English Visual Studio Setup Project. I don't read Russian / Cyrillic I am afraid. Those letters really look like an alien language :-).
消除嵌入式先决条件(对于常见的运行时):我对包含 .NET 框架的抱怨通常是您包含的内容是 1)
所有安全修复程序都很快过时了(因此无缘无故地使您的设置膨胀?)和 2)
新的 Windows 操作系统版本包括.NET 完全预装(尽管可能不是正确的版本).3)
.NET 现在也可以通过 Windows Update 安装 - 对于家庭用户(最终,发布会有一些延迟),以及 4)
企业打包人员绝对讨厌将软件包拆开以删除公共运行时,因为他们必须为这些运行时使用标准的企业软件包,并且不允许使用捆绑的软件包.只是收到供应商设置的人的报告.把事情简单化.更喜欢记录您的设置做什么?提供简单的 Readme.txt
或 Deployment Info.pdf
很好.为公司和大规模部署提供特殊设置是另一种很好的方法(只是先决条件和实际设置的 zip).
Eliminate Embedded Prerequisites (for common runtimes): My rant about including the .NET framework is generally that what you include is 1)
outdated in no time with all the security fixes (hence bloating your setup for no reason?) and 2)
the new Windows OS versions are including .NET pre-installed outright (albeit perhaps not in the correct version). 3)
.NET is also installed via Windows Update now - for home users (eventually, there is some delay in release), and 4)
corporate packagers absolutely hate pulling packages apart to remove common runtimes since they have to use standard corporate packages for these runtimes and are not allowed to use the bundled ones. Just a report from those who receive vendor setups. Keep it simple. Prefer to document what your setup does? Providing simple Readme.txt
or Deployment Info.pdf
is good. Delivering a special setup for corporations and large scale deployment is another good way to do it (just a zip of prerequisites and the actual setup).
启动条件:一个简单的启动条件,告诉用户安装 .NET 框架以及什么版本可能就足够了,但也许您的从供应商站点下载"最好吗?
Launch Condition: A simple launch condition telling the user to install the .NET framework and what version might be enough, but maybe your "download from vendor site" is best?
.NET 运行时:作为旁注 - 我想这是大多数人都知道的 - 只是向可能阅读本文的人指出:有.NET 运行时 (CLR) 的版本比通常认为的要少得多.有框架,然后有运行时
.请参阅 .NET 专家和整体计算机专家 Hans Passant 在此处的摘要(以及页面上的其他答案).还有一个.现在看来,CLR 的 1.0 和 1.1 版在很大程度上已经无关紧要了?
.NET Runtime: As a side-note - and I guess this is well known for most - just pointing it out to whoever might read this: There have been way fewer versions of the .NET runtime (CLR) than is commonly perceived. There is the framework, and then there is the runtime
. Please see .NET expert and overall computer expert Hans Passant's summary here (and the other answers on the page too). One more. Version 1.0 and 1.1 of the CLR would seem to be largely irrelevant by now?
替代工具:我一直不喜欢 Visual Studio 安装程序项目.只需提供一个指向替代 MSI 工具的链接.
Alternative Tools: I have long disliked Visual Studio Installer Projects. Just throwing in a link to alternative MSI tools.
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