我一直在编程,我的整个生活。我主要编码Perl,但也有一些Java,PHP,C,C ++。我甚至在Emacs Lisp做了一个刺,我做了偶尔的shell脚本。然而,我从来没有实际参与过这个课程,获得任何专业知识 - 其他事情对我有更高的优先级。我不认为自己非常熟练的任何语言,但Perl,现在也是现在Haskell我正在课程现在。
I've been coding on and off my whole life. I've mostly coded Perl, but also some Java, PHP, C, C++. I've even took a stab at Emacs Lisp, and I've done the occasional shell script. However, I've never actually engaged the subject to gain any kind of expertise – other things have had higher priorities for me. I don't consider myself to be really proficient in any language but Perl, and also now Haskell which I'm taking a course in right now.
Lately, I've been thinking about my style of coding. Not the style of the actual code; as a CS student I only do projects for fun or for school, which enables me to write what in my opinion is beautiful code almost always. One question in particular has been troubling me. It's a rather curious thing, but still something I would like to hear other opinions about.
Here's the thing: I find myself taking a fair amount of time to name my functions and variables to the most easily understood names I can possibly think of. Sometimes this task can be very tedious, even when not taking into account the difficulty of finding a variable name that conveys the meaning of a piece of code. For example, right now I'm making a function that looks like this.
这是Haskell代码,但意思应该很清楚。 (这是确切的意思不是那么重要,所以如果你想,只是跳过代码,阅读。)
This is Haskell code but the meaning should be quite clear. (It's exact meaning isn't that important so if you want to, just skip the code and read on.)
-- return the row with least number of Nothing values
bestRow :: [[Maybe Int]] -> Int -> Maybe (Int,Int)
bestRow [] _ = Nothing
bestRow (row:rows) thisIndex
| nextRow == Nothing && thisFilled > 8 = Nothing
| nextRow == Nothing = Just (thisIndex,thisFilled)
| thisFilled >= nextFilled = Just (thisIndex,thisFilled)
| thisFilled < nextFilled = nextRow
where thisFilled = length $ filter (/= Nothing) row
nextRow = bestRow rows (thisIndex + 1)
(nextIndex,nextFilled) = fromMaybe (-1,-1) nextRow
我无法决定变量名称。该功能做了它的任务很好,但它不是那么清楚,因为它可能是。一旦我决定了一个解决方案,我花了15分钟命名和重命名的变量。我应该用curIndex,nextIndex || index,nextIndex || ind,indN等? 15分钟后,我决定我做了,我意识到这个功能毕竟不需要:我发现了一个更好的解决我的问题。 BOOM我失去了很多时间,只是清理代码,没有任何人使用,最少对我。或者至少它觉得这样。
I couldn't decide on the variable names. The function did it's task well but it wasn't as clear as it could be. Once I settled on a solution, I spent 15 minutes on naming and renaming the variables. Should I go with curIndex, nextIndex || index, nextIndex || ind, indN etc? 15 minutes after I decided I was done, I realized this function wasn't needed after all: I found a much better solution to my problem. BOOM I had lost a lot of time simply cleaning code to no use to anyone, least of all to me. Or at least it felt that way.
This is something which has happened to me more than once, and is quite frustrating, mostly because it makes me feel dumb. What are your thoughts on this subject? Is this something you've experienced, something wrong with my way of doing things or simply something unavoidable?
Are there "perfect" variable names, or is it "ok" if they at least doesn't obfuscate your code?
Stefan Kangas
Stefan Kangas
阅读Robert C. Martin的清洁代码
Read the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
One thing he goes into detail on is naming. Variable and function names should be as exact as possible. If you require a comment to describe it, the function is either doing too much, or the name can be clearer.
The goal, is to have code that reads like a story. Changing variable and function names and breaking them down into several functions or variables if necessary to achieve this goal.
Great book, worth every penny