

  1. 没有完全得到下面的从MSDN :

  2. [标记有​​ComVisible特性(真)] 必须的COM知名度?


请参阅this博客文章对于第一个问题的expanation。问题的关键是,除非你指定 ClassInterfaceType.None 额外的界面处产生,这可能会导致与二进制兼容性,如果你改变方法的顺序,改变他们的签名或删除一些对他们。更理想的办法是明确地定义一个接口,并从中指定 ClassInterfaceType.None



  1. Didn't quite get the following from MSDN:

  2. Is [ComVisible(true)] a must for COM visibility?


See this blog post for the expanation of the first problem. The point is that unless you specify ClassInterfaceType.None an extra interface is generated and this can cause problems with binary compatibility if you alter the order of methods, change their signatures or remove some of them. A much better alternative is to explicitly define an interface and inherit your class from it specifying ClassInterfaceType.None.

ComVisible(true) is not a must for COM visibility. By default all public methods of public classes and all public classes are COM visible, all other entities are not COM visible. If you need to alter this you use ComVisible attribute, usually to decrease the amount of COM visible classes since for every COM visible class registry entries and type library entries are generated and this causes unnecessary registry pollution and inflates the type library. IMO it's a good idea to explicitly mark all public entities with ComVisible.


07-22 20:42