

来自 Rust文档:

我不明白这是什么意思.什么是物品签名? 推断寿命参数"是什么意思?一些例子或类比会有所帮助.

I don't understand what this means. What are item signatures? What does "infer lifetime parameters" mean? Some examples or analogies would be helpful.



An item signature is the bit which gives the name and types of your function, i.e. everything you need to call it (without needing to know how it's implemented); for example:

fn foo(x: u32) -> u32;


Here's another which takes a &str reference:

fn bar<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str;


In Rust, all references have an attached lifetime; this is part of the type. The above bar function says more than just "this function takes a reference to a string and returns another one". It says "this function takes a string reference, and returns another which is valid for as long as the one it's given. This is an important part of Rust's ownership system.


However, it's annoying and a pain to specify these lifetimes every time, so Rust has "lifetime elision" (i.e. "not explicitly writing them out"). All that means is that for a few very common cases, you can leave the lifetime annotations out and Rust will implicitly add them for you. This is purely a convenience for programmers so that they don't have to write so many lifetimes in "obvious" cases.


The rules are listed in the book, but for completeness they are:

  1. 未另外指定的功能参数中的每个生存期都不同.例如:
fn f(x: &T, y: &U)


fn f<'a, 'b>(x: &'a T, y: &'b U)


i.e. there's no automatic link between those lifetimes.

  1. 如果只有一个输入寿命,那么它将用于每个输出寿命.例如:
struct U<'a> {}  // struct with a lifetime parameter

fn f(x: &T) -> &U


fn f<'a>(x: &'a T) -> &'a U<'a>
  1. 否则,如果有多个输入生存期,但其中一个是&self&mut self(即这是一种方法),则所有被忽略的输出生存期都将与self相同.这涵盖了方法返回对其字段之一的引用的常见情况.例如:
  1. Otherwise, if there are multiple input lifetimes but one of them is &self or &mut self (i.e. it's a method), then all the elided output lifetimes get the same as self. This covers the common case that a method returns a reference to one of its fields. For example:
impl S {
    fn get_my_item(&self, key: &str) -> &str {}


fn get_my_item<'a,'b>(&'a self, key: &'b str) -> &'a str  // use the self lifetime



10-27 03:24