


(Q1)I have a test.so with some functions that I need to use.I've surveyed for a while but no answers. Could anyone have some advise of how to include a shared library in gn file of chromium project? Many thanks.


Below is the content of my gn file:


blink_core_sources("frame") {
 sources = [

    // my created file
    "HelloWorld.cpp",   // Will use the function of provided in add.so

  deps = [ ":add.so" ]



(Q2)Another question is: If I have source code of add.so, how should I write in gn to use the source code of the shared library? Thanks.


通常,您可以使用 lib_dirs 指定库目录,并使用 libs 指定库.您的 BUILD.gn 文件可以如下所示:

Typicall you can specify library directory with lib_dirs and libraries with libs. Your BUILD.gn file can be like this:


blink_core_sources("frame") {
 sources = [

    // my created file
    "HelloWorld.cpp",   // Will use the function of provided in add.so

  lib_dirs = [ "//path/to/add.so" ]
  libs = [ "add" ]


如果要从add.so的源代码获取共享库,可以编写如下的 BUILD.gn 文件:

If you want to get a shared library from source code of add.so, you can write a BUILD.gn file like this:

shared_library("libadd.so") {
  include_dirs = []
  sources = [

您可以使用 gn help shared_library 了解更多详细信息.

You can use gn help shared_library for more details.


And then you can use the shared library just like Q(1).

最后,我建议您使用 gn帮助查看有关gn构建系统的更多详细信息.

Finally, I recommand you to use gn help to see more details about gn build system.


05-19 22:58