


Been working on a system to load document-specific scripts asynchronously into a Meteor template after it's been rendered:


    var post = Template.currentData();

    if(post.libs) post.libs.forEach(function(e){
        $.getScript(e, function(data, text, code){

        function threejs(){
            var scene = new THREE.Scene();


此模式适用于宪章,Chart.js,和D3,但似乎并没有被用的其他库 - 所有都可以在全球范围,但我似乎无法找到通过three.js随时随地构造的对象。

This pattern works with Chartist, Chart.js, and d3 but doesn't seem to be working with three.js—all of the other libraries are available globally, but I can't seem to find the THREE object constructed by three.js anywhere.


Am I missing something obvious, or do I just need to wrap the contents of three.js in an anonymous function to initialise? If so, could someone provide an example/documents on how best to do so?


Update: I'm stumped. By switching to a CDN, THREE loads perfectly well. For the sake of self-sufficiency I'd like to host from my own server—if anyone can recommend any additional tests, I'd love to hear them.


终于想通了这一点,为自己的项目 - 使这项工作的方法是编辑 three.min.js 源文件。

Finally figured this out for my own project - the way to make this work is to edit the three.min.js source file.

删除/评论使用严格; three.min.js 开始让它正确加载。

Removing/commenting 'use strict'; at the start of three.min.js lets it load correctly.

这似乎与流星的以下功能/问题:的https:// github上。 COM /流星/流星/问题/ 1380

This seems to be related to the following feature/issue of meteor: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/1380

在CDN很可能未缩小的,并没有包含使用严格; 。为了安全起见,使用严格; 或许应该被放在全球的命名空间已被宣布之后。

The CDN was likely un-minified and didn't contain 'use strict;'. To be safe, 'use strict;' should probably be placed after the global THREE namespace has been declared.


10-23 07:39