

我正在尝试使用Sprite表格为我的游戏制作动画.我将如何从Sprite工作表中裁剪出每个Sprite并在xcode中使用Sprite?我当前正在使用obj -c.我读过某个地方需要使用框架cocoa2d才能做到这一点?

I'm trying to animate my game using a sprite sheet. How would I go about cutting out each sprite from the sprite sheet and using the sprite in xcode? I'm currently using obj -c. I read somewhere that i need to use a frame work, cocoa2d, in order to do this?


在Sprite Kit中,您可以使用SKTexture(rect: inTexture:)初始化程序将纹理的一部分切出.这是一个帮助程序类,用于管理间距均匀的Sprite表,并且可以在给定的行和列处剪切出纹理.像这样

In sprite kit you can cut part of a texture out using SKTexture(rect: inTexture:) initializer. This is a helper class which manages an evenly spaced sprite sheet and can cut out a texture at a given row and column. It is used like So

let sheet=SpriteSheet(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "spritesheet"), rows: 1, columns: 11, spacing: 1, margin: 1)
let sprite=SKSpriteNode(texture: sheet.textureForColumn(0, row: 0))


//  SpriteSheet.swift

import SpriteKit

class SpriteSheet {
    let texture: SKTexture
    let rows: Int
    let columns: Int
    var margin: CGFloat=0
    var spacing: CGFloat=0
    var frameSize: CGSize {
        return CGSize(width: (self.texture.size().width-(self.margin*2+self.spacing*CGFloat(self.columns-1)))/CGFloat(self.columns),
            height: (self.texture.size().height-(self.margin*2+self.spacing*CGFloat(self.rows-1)))/CGFloat(self.rows))

    init(texture: SKTexture, rows: Int, columns: Int, spacing: CGFloat, margin: CGFloat) {


    convenience init(texture: SKTexture, rows: Int, columns: Int) {
        self.init(texture: texture, rows: rows, columns: columns, spacing: 0, margin: 0)

    func textureForColumn(column: Int, row: Int)->SKTexture? {
        if !(0...self.rows ~= row && 0...self.columns ~= column) {
            //location is out of bounds
            return nil

        var textureRect=CGRect(x: self.margin+CGFloat(column)*(self.frameSize.width+self.spacing)-self.spacing,
                               y: self.margin+CGFloat(row)*(self.frameSize.height+self.spacing)-self.spacing,
                               width: self.frameSize.width,
                               height: self.frameSize.height)

        textureRect=CGRect(x: textureRect.origin.x/self.texture.size().width, y: textureRect.origin.y/self.texture.size().height,
            width: textureRect.size.width/self.texture.size().width, height: textureRect.size.height/self.texture.size().height)
        return SKTexture(rect: textureRect, inTexture: self.texture)


margin属性是图像边缘与精灵之间的间隙.间距是每个精灵之间的间隙. fameSize是每个Sprite的大小.此图像对此进行了解释:

The margin property is the gap between the edge of the image and the sprites. The spacing is the gap between each sprite. The fameSize is the size each sprite will be. This image explains it:


10-14 02:55