

我喜欢在Javascript中学习Class Property和Prototype之间的区别我的意思是在代码中显示:

I like to learn the difference between Class Property and Prototype in Javascript what I mean is shown in the code :

function Rectangle(x, y) {
    this.width = x;
    this.height = y;

Rectangle.UNIT = new Rectangle(1, 1);

Rectangle.prototype.UNIT = new Rectangle(1, 1);

我知道的原型是继承对象,这意味着UNIT将显示来自的所有实例现在但 Rectangle.UNIT = new Rectangle(1,1); 代码不做同样的事情?

The thing I know is prototype is working like inherit object which means UNIT will be shown all the instances from now on but Rectangle.UNIT = new Rectangle(1, 1); code doesn't do the same thing ?


Rectangle.UNIT 是一个静态类属性。它只能在Rectangle类对象上访问。在任何Rectangle实例上都无法访问它。

Rectangle.UNIT is a static class property. It can only ever be accessed on the Rectangle class object. It won't be accessible on any instances of Rectangle.

Rectangle.prototype.UNIT 是一个原型属性,可以在Rectangle实例上访问。

Rectangle.prototype.UNIT is a prototype property and can be accessed on instances of Rectangle.

如果你创建一个继承自 Square >矩形,任何 Square 的实例将共享相同的原型属性,但不是任何静态类属性。

If you make a class Square that inherits from Rectangle, any instances of Square will share the same prototype property, but not any static class properties.


You may find these articles helpful (though maybe a little obscure):

  • http://phrogz.net/JS/Classes/OOPinJS.html
  • http://phrogz.net/JS/Classes/OOPinJS2.html
  • http://javascript.crockford.com/prototypal.html


10-11 17:22