

是否可以在多个段中发送纯单个http POST请求(不是块编码)?我在考虑使用 httplib.HTTPConnection 并多次调用发送方法(并调用在每个发送之后,在响应对象上读取

Should it be possible to send a plain, single http POST request (not chunk-encoded), in more than one segment? I was thinking of using httplib.HTTPConnection and calling the send method more than once (and calling read on the response object after each send).

(上下文:I我正在合作设计一个服务器,提供类似于事务的服务[一系列相互关联的请求 - 响应]。我正在寻找最简单,最兼容的HTTP表示。)

(Context: I'm collaborating to the design of a server that offers services analogous to transactions [series of interrelated requests-responses]. I'm looking for the simplest, most compatible HTTP representation.)


在被朋友说服这应该成为可能之后,我找到了一种方法。我重写 httplib.HTTPResponse (nb httplib.HTTPConnection 足够让你指定 response_class 它将实例化。)

After being convinced by friends that this should be possible, I found a way to do it. I override httplib.HTTPResponse (n.b. httplib.HTTPConnection is nice enough to let you specify the response_class it will instantiate).

查看socket.py和httplib.py(特别是 _fileobject.read() ),我注意到 read()只允许2件事:

Looking at socket.py and httplib.py (especially _fileobject.read()), I had noticed that read() only allowed 2 things:

  • 读取确切的字节数(即使连接未关闭,也会立即返回)

  • 读取所有字节,直到连接关闭

我能够扩展这种行为并允许使用几行代码进行免费流式传输。我还必须将HTTPResponse的 will_close 成员设置为0.

I was able to extend this behavior and allow free streaming with just a few lines of code. I also had to set the will_close member of my HTTPResponse to 0.


I'd still be interested to hear if this is considered acceptable or abusive usage of HTTP.


06-19 18:14