




when i executing the stored procedure i got the message as

Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries.

This is my stored procedure along with 7 parametrs.

create proc procadvancedsearch(@keyword varchar(max)=null,@joblocation varchar(max)=null,@experience varchar(max)=null,@industry varchar(max)=null,@function varchar(max)=null,@role varchar(max)=null,@jobfreshbydays datetime=null)
if(@keyword IS NOT  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%'
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%'  and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT  NULL and @joblocation IS  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NOT  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,','))
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%'  and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS  NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and  jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,',')) and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT  NULL and @joblocation IS  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT  NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and  @experience between minexperience and maxexperience  and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and  joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS NOT NULL and @joblocation IS NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where keyskills Like '%'+ @keyword+'%' and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
else if(@keyword IS  NULL and @joblocation IS NOT NULL and @experience IS NOT NULL and @industry IS NOT NULL and @function IS NOT NULL and @role IS NOT NULL and @jobfreshbydays IS NOT NULL)
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid where joblocation in (select items from dbo.Split(@joblocation,','))  and @experience between minexperience and maxexperience and jobindustry in (select items from dbo.Split(@industry,',')) and jobfunctionality in (select items from dbo.Split(@function,',')) and  jobrole in (select items from dbo.Split(@role,',')) and jobposteddate between @jobfreshbydays and GETDATE()
select e.jobtitle,e.jobposteddate,e.joblocation,e.minexperience,e.maxexperience,e.jobdescription, d.companyname from emppostingjobs e Inner join admregforemp d on e.comptypeid=d.comptypeid



08-03 22:01