


I am designing a F-Bound data type, and have a working companion object. I would like to reference this companion object from the trait itself, but I can't get the types right.

trait A[AA <: A[AA]] {
  self =>
  val data: String
case class A1(data : String) extends A[A1]

trait B[BB <: B[BB, AA], AA <: A[AA]] {
  self: BB =>
  val content: AA
  def companion: BComp[BB, AA]  // What is the correct type?
  def companion2: BComp2[BB, AA] // What is the correct type?
trait BComp[BB[X <: BB[X, AA], Y <: AA[Y]], AA[Y <: AA[Y]]]

trait BComp2[BB[X <: AA[X]], AA[X <: AA[X]]]

case class BInst[AA <: A[AA]](content: AA) extends B[BInst[AA], AA] {
  def companion = BInst
  def companion2 = BInst2

object BInst extends BComp[B, A]
object BInst2 extends BComp2[BInst, A]


A working solution for either companion or companion2 would suffice, although a general hint on how to construct these type signatures would be useful.


我想使用随播对象来存储canBuildFrom样式隐式对象和Builders,但是由于内容类型A具有上限,因此所有生成函数都需要了解此边界,因此参数化伴随对象特征的特征.此设计的灵感来自 GenericCompanion.scala ,当然,添加类型界限会使一切变得更加困难:P

I want to use the companion object to store canBuildFrom style implicits as well as Builders, but as the content type A has an upper bound, all generating functions need to be aware of this bounding, so hence the parametrization of the companion object trait. The inspiration for this design comes from GenericCompanion.scala, of course, adding the type bounds makes everything more difficult :P


companion类型的任何明确定义的障碍是BComp由两个 parametriczed 类型进行了参数设置-而第一个与B兼容,第二个AA[Y <: AA[Y]]无法构建.很简单,我们需要将此类型添加到B的参数化中:

The obstacle to any clear definition of types for companion is that BComp is parametrized by two parametrized types - while the first one is compatible with B, the second one AA[Y <: AA[Y]] is impossible to construct. So quite simply, we need to add this type to the parametrization of B:

trait B[BB <: B[BB, AA, X],
        AA[T <: AA[T]] <: A[T],
        X <: AA[X]]  {
    self: BB =>
    val content: X
    def companion: BComp[B, AA]


now we have a compatible type AA for our companion object (which needs only a small expansion):

trait BComp[BHere[BB <: BHere[BB, AAA, Z],
                  AAA[Y <: AAA[Y]],
                  Z <: AAA[Z]],
            AA[Y <: AA[Y]]]


case class BInst[X <: A[X]](content: X) extends B[BInst[X], A, X] {
    def companion: BComp[B, A] = BInst5
object BInst extends BComp[B, A]




For companion2, we just need to change the first part of the parametrization of B, so that trait B and the companion trait become:

trait B[BB[TS <: AA[TS]] <: B[BB, AA, TS],
        AA[T <: AA[T]] <: A[T],
        X <: AA[X]] {
    self: BB[X] =>
    val content: X
    def companion2: BComp[BB, AA]

trait BComp[BHere[TS <: AA[TS]],
            AA[Y <: AA[Y]]]


This is slightly more manageable. The case class and case objects are:

case class BInst[X <: A[X]](content: X) extends B[BInst, A, X] {
  def companion2: BComp[BInst, A] = BInst5
object BInst extends BComp[BInst, A]


If this is useful to anybody the rethink. I have changed my own design approach and I suggest you do too. Coming up with a solution to these types has now been a purely academic exercise!


08-03 17:06